
65 Reputation

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8 years, 356 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Zihan

Hi dear Maple masters:

Excuse-me. I have a stupid question to ask: how to extract symbolic coefficient in maple? For example, I would like to get the coefficient before sin(Ωt) and cos(Ωt) in the following equation:

eq := (-Omega^2*a*A[2]-Omega^2*m*B[1]+Omega*A[1]*c[1]+B[1]*k[1])*cos(Omega*t)+(Omega^2*a*B[2]-Omega^2*m*A[1]-Omega*B[1]*c[1]+A[1]*k[1])*sin(Omega*t) = 0;

Thank you in adavance for taking a look, wish you a nice day!

Best regards,


Hi dear friends. Recently, I am troubled by a question of how to draw an exictation-response diagram in Maplesoft.

I would like to draw an excitation-response diagram with following equation, Ω is greatrer or equal to 0:



But, when I would like to use Bode diagram in Maple to draw it, it looks very differently.

Maybe I use a wrong function to draw it.

In the book, the diagram takes the form:


Thanks a lot for taking a lookDiagram in book.

 I am haunted by an equation which I could simplify it with hand and it equals to −i (complexe number). But, I don't know how to use maplesoft to simplify it. The equation takes the form of:



I could simplify this equation with hand calculation and it equals to -i (the complexe number). I'am sorry for not clarifying that the a, k, Ω and m are positive variables.

Thank you in advance for taking a look.
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