
120 Reputation

6 Badges

16 years, 214 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by a_simsim

Dear Community,

I have a simulation in MapleSim, and I have a probe in the system, for which measured data are also available. How can I load these measured data into MapleSim and compare them to the calculated results (probe data) visually? (Preferably in the "Analysis Window: Simulation Results" which pops up by pressing F6)

Tx for the kind help in advance,

best regards,



Dear Community,

I would like to evaluate this difficult function:  

Unfortunately when I try to define it in Maple, I always get an error message. I tried it in many different ways, but always failed. See also the attached workbook. Can someone pls. have a look, what I do wrong?

Tx for your kind help in advance,

best regards




Dear Community,

I run a MapleSim model from Maple. The simulation runs fine giving me the correct graphical plots, but I wonder how could I obtain also the numerical values of the probes vs. time? Sorry I could not figure it out. A matrix format would be perfect: 1st column time, the other columns probe 1 .. n values vs. time. (Files attached)

Tx for the kind help in advance,

best regards


RunMapleSim.mw , RCNetwork.msim

Dear Community,

I have set up a simple 2D RC network with 1 lookup table current source, and a few probes. The model runs fine. Now I wanted to run it from Maple, and followed carefully a MapleSim tutorial which exlained how to establish the link between Maple and MapleSim. I added a worksheet called RCNetworkMaple.mw and run the A := MapleSim:-LinkModel(): command. Then I wanted to run the simulation with the A := Simulate() ; command, but nothing happened, Maple returned A := Simulate(). What did I wrong? In the tutorial it runs perfectly. (Files attached.)


Tx for the kind help in advance,

best regards


RCNetwork.msim  RC_Rate_Schedule.xlsx

Dear Community,


I'm trying to import a simple Excel (xlsx) file into my Maple worksheet.

1st problem: Maple reads it only, if I put it into my root directory. As soon as I try to read it from the directory I'm working in, and provide full file name (Path + file name)  it fails. Why?

2nd problem: The real surprise comes, when I manage to import it. Its a 150 x 2 matrix, but as soon as I try to retrieve a value, I get an error message "Error, bad index into Matrix". Why is this? Should be very simple. Files attached.


Tx in advance

best regards




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