
120 Reputation

6 Badges

16 years, 207 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by a_simsim

Dear Community,

I've made a nonlinear curve fit with the Minimize routine (see attachment). What would be an easy and elegant way to rerun the model (Model) with the fitted values of a, b, c and plot the result together with the measured points in the same chart? I'm stuck here.

Tx in advance,

best regards





Dear MapleSoft,


Would it be possible you once design a MapleSim webinar for users with more emphasis on Modelica (language, examples, etc.), on how to build more complex custom components, not just a simple DC motor? I think this would be very useful and could extend / enhance the use of MapleSime even more.


Tx in advance,

best regards



Dear Community,

Is there an easy way to convert elapsed days since January 1 1900 to date, i.e. to year, month, day in Maple? E.g. 23021 days should convert to 1963.01.10. Also what is the opposite, i.e. from date to elapsed days?

tx in advance,

best regards


Dear Community,

How could I specify a list of random colors using some kind of an RGB function, which then could be used in another command for coloring? I think of something like this:

myColors := [ seq( RGB ( [rint(0,255) , rint(0,255) , rint(0,255)] ) , j = 1 .. 20 ) ] :

which does not work of course :-)  This should produce me a list of 20 random colors.  What would be the right RGB color function?

Tx for the kind help in advance

best regards


Dear Community,

I generate two vectors and try to plot them one vs. the other ( ZPLOT vs. PREDS )  with the pointplot command. Unfortunately I get the message "points are not in the correct format" ... Probably a minor error, but it is unclear what format Maple expects here? What do I do wrong?

Tx. for the kind help in advance,

best regards


P.S. Maple file attached


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