
40 Reputation

4 Badges

11 years, 66 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by aazz

If I have checked the Editable button just below the working window, then the temperature would be very high in the next time when I start Maple 2019. I do not what is going on. But when I unchecked the Editable button, and wait for several seconds, then the temperature and the load of my laptop are on the normal state.  Is this a bug for Maple 2019? My OS is Debian Stretch, that is,

$ uname -a
Linux debian 4.9.0-9-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.168-1 (2019-04-12) x86_64 GNU/Linux


When I input the the following command line in Maple 2018.1

 > Int(1/(1+sqrt(x)),x=0..1)=int(1/(1+sqrt(x)),x=0..1);

the output is 

>Int(1/(1+sqrt(x)), x = 0 .. 1) = MeijerG([[0, 0, 1/2], []], [[1/2, 0], [-1]], 1)/Pi

which is not the desired result!  How can I get the desired result like this


Thanks a lot.


When I was using Maple 2015, I can start Maple in Linux Mint Sarah, if Maple 2015 was installed in another Linux Distribution (that is, like Debian Jessie), as follows.   Suppose I have installed Maple 2015 in /home/programfiles/maple/maple2015, which is the location in Debian Jessie.  Start Linux Mint Sarah, then mount  the /home partition of Debian on the mountpoint /debian-home.  Now copy the file /debian-home/programfiles/maple/maple2015/bin/xmaple to be xmaple-a, and change the path in xmaple-a. Then copy the file  /debian-home/programfiles/maple/maple2015/bin/maple to be maple-a, and make some changes in maple-a. Then open a terminal, run the command  ./debian-home/programfiles/maple/maple2015/bin/xmaple-a. Thus I can start Maple2015 in Linux Mint Sarah, althought I have reinstalled Maple 2015 in Linux Mint.

But the problem occurs, when I upgrade to Maple 2016, together with Linux Mint from Sarah to Serena, because the method above does not work.  It gives information saying that the Host ID is wrong. But when I start Debian Jessie, I can start Maple 2016, and it works very well. So, what should I do to start Maple2016 in Linux Mint Serena, without installing Maple2016 in Mint, because I have installed in Debian?  

As you see above, when I want to evaluate the definite integral, Maple can not provide the desired result. Why does this happen? How can I do so that Maple can calculate this integral?

I have updated  Maple from 18.01 to 18.02, but there is something strange happened to me. I can not use int anymore. Here is my codes:

Error, (in int) wrong number (or type) of arguments: invalid option value passed to indefinite integration: {}

print(`output redirected...`); # input placeholder
    Maple 18.00, X86 64 LINUX, Feb 10 2014, Build ID 922027


Here is the screenshot:

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