
20 Reputation

5 Badges

11 years, 107 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by alljoyland

we can get the continued fraction of cot(x) with the command

> convert(cot(x), confrac, x, 6)

the result is


 convert(cot(x), confrac, x, 6)

how could I convert this result to a form like




the calculation is like the following command, the result in the picture

SetCoordinates(spherical[r, theta, phi]);
Fv := rho*VectorField(`<,>`(v[r](r, theta, phi), v[theta](r, theta, phi), v[phi](r, theta, phi)));



1) when the Divergence act on the Fv, then it will be expanded, which is lengthy and not like most book's formulation , especially when I want to continue for a Conversation law like in fluid mechanics, this will be too long and a messy for later check.

could there be a way to not expand this result, just as the eq(3) like.

2) when I want to calculate the Divergence of Fv, I must construct a VectorField at first, but this is in components way, is there a quick way for Vector Field Function


we always have subscript variable in the math book, but how could this be natral done in maple

I want to get a seq aaa3


but how could I get a  aij



seq(a[ij],i=1..3);  both was not right

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