
301 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 139 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by awass

I played aorund a bit with the "Insert Table" command and it seems to create just an inert object that cannot be accessed or operated upon except directly by typing into its boxes. Is that true? Is it just for word processing?

Here is a simple sequcnce of commands that execute without a problem:
eq1 := 5+3*x=0:
eq2 := 2+7*x-3*y-5*x*y=0:

x = -5/3, y = 29/16

If I put the commands into a procedure there are problems:

I am using Maple 12.01 and I am using dsolve to solve a second order ODE;  example :


ic:=a->[D(y)(0)=0,y(0)=a]; # initial conditions.

I want to investigate the  values of z(t, y, y') when g(t, y,y') = 0. Here z might be y''' or cos(t y') and g  might be y(t)-4.

What I would like to do is create an Array whose nth entry is of the form [ tn, z(tn,y(tn), y'(tn)]  where tn is the nth value of t at which the condition g(t, y,y') = 0 is satisfied.

Here is a recent session on Maple 12.1. The exact thing happens on Maple 11.5. I define a vector x , Maple acknowledges the fact but then if I ask if x is, in fact, that vector it says no. Any idea of what is going on? with(LinearAlgebra): > x := Vector(2, [1, 0]); Note Maple correctly prints transpose [1 0] on screen. [1] x := [ ] [0] if x=Vector(2, [1, 0]) then 7 else 3 end if; 3 is(x=Vector(2, [1, 0]));
In previous versions of Maple there was an abort/interrupt capability-one could hold down the command key and a period at the same time and eventually Maple would stop the calculation. (Mac worksheet interface). Now there is an interrupt icon which is frequently ignored by Maple. I am currently in an ∞ loop and cannot get out! Help!
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