
4 Reputation

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18 years, 348 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by bdoiron

Hi Maple'primes. I have a question that I am sure has been posted many times but I will do again. I am using Maple 10 and I am trying to sweep over a parameter space with a for loop. At each iteration of the loop I am performing a complex calculation : double/triple integral or solving a boundary value problem. If I compute the compuation as a stand alone execution then it take ~ 30 sec, however, when I loop through 200 iterations the loop never finishes and Maple tells me I am out of memory. When I look at the memory (bottom right hand corner) it keep increasing to crazy levels (Gigs) during the loop, when each computaion should be about 20M. It seems like Maple keeps track of all the old computations when I clearly don't want it to. How can I speed this up?
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