
56 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 225 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by bobic

Hi, how can I stop a procedure of maple a use the global variables create before stop the code? Thanks Marco
Hi, I have a matrix of complex numbers. How can I show the image with maple? Thank you
Can you haep me to optimize this code? for s from size by -1 to 1 do Vpq[1 .. dim, 1 .. dim, s] := (ArrayTools[ElementMultiply])(Rpq[1 .. dim, 1 .. dim, s], map(exp, -I*pq[s, 2]*Theta)); end do; # Vpq[1..dim,1..dim,s]:=Rpq[1..dim,1..dim,s]*exp(-I*pq[s,2]*Theta[1..dim,1..dim]); where Rpq:=Array(1..dim,1..dim,1..size); pq:=Array(1..size,1..2); Theta:=Array(1..dim,1..dim); with dim:=100; size:=1300; I must work with simbolic precision, but the code is very slow! Thanks
Download 1826_zernike.doc
View file details Can you help me to create a code that calculate zernike moments, Zpq, with an image of 100x100, p=q=70? The formula is indicate in the file. the objective is to use the symbolic calculus!! The problems are the time and the memory!!! thanks for your help
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