
104 Reputation

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18 years, 19 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by boirac

I have updated the Quantum Optics Module. Some procedures run now faster, there are more examples and some corrections in the PDF guide. If you're interested it is here: Toolbox for Quantum Optics Feedback is welcome. Thanks, Al
Hi albatros, Over the last couple of months I have been writing various procedures related to quantum optics and quantum mechanics. I have decided to put all the procedures together in a MODULE that can now be found online here: Toolbox for Quantum Optics I have also included a manual (in pdf format), an example worksheet and the module. I learned some basic programming techniques while writing this module, so some procedures are far from optimal and elegant, but I still hope it can ease some Quantum Optics calculations. Modifications, questions, comments and bug-reports are welcome. Cheers, Alvaro.
Hi albatros, Over the last couple of months I have been writing various procedures related to quantum optics and quantum mechanics. I have decided to put all the procedures together in a MODULE that can now be found online here: Toolbox for Quantum Optics I have also included a manual (in pdf format), an example worksheet and the module. I learned some basic programming techniques while writing this module, so some procedures are far from optimal and elegant, but I still hope it can ease some Quantum Optics calculations. Modifications, questions, comments and bug-reports are welcome. Cheers, Alvaro.
Hi JacquesC, Thanks again for your comment. In degree(x,[?]), indets was the piece that I was missing, since lhs(v) alone of course wouldn't do it. I am starting to familiarise myself with the use of "map" and "foldl" with filters like you propose, so thank you very much for the advice. Al
Hi JacquesC, Thanks again for your comment. In degree(x,[?]), indets was the piece that I was missing, since lhs(v) alone of course wouldn't do it. I am starting to familiarise myself with the use of "map" and "foldl" with filters like you propose, so thank you very much for the advice. Al
Hi, One could maybe write some simple procedures to convert lists or matrices to ket notation... Alain Le Stang ( wrote once something like: DiracKet := proc (m) local k, i, s; s := "|"; for i to m do s := cat(s, "0") end do; s := cat(s, ">") end proc which given the number of qubits, spins, modes or whatever writes a ground state in Dirac notation... like: > DiracKet(3); "|000>" Does that help?
Hi, One could maybe write some simple procedures to convert lists or matrices to ket notation... Alain Le Stang ( wrote once something like: DiracKet := proc (m) local k, i, s; s := "|"; for i to m do s := cat(s, "0") end do; s := cat(s, ">") end proc which given the number of qubits, spins, modes or whatever writes a ground state in Dirac notation... like: > DiracKet(3); "|000>" Does that help?
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