brian bovril

894 Reputation

16 Badges

18 years, 9 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by brian bovril

Hello. Here is my question.



ST := [`162` = Record(mu = 475, sigma = 41), `70` = Record(mu = 480, sigma = 42),
       `168` = Record(mu = 448, sigma = 103)]

[`162` = Record(mu = 475, sigma = 41), `70` = Record(mu = 480, sigma = 42), `168` = Record(mu = 448, sigma = 103)]


Games:=[[`162`, `70`], [`70`, `168`], [`168`, `162`]]

[[`162`, `70`], [`70`, `168`], [`168`, `162`]]


#I need Maple commands to follow the order of Games to auto create STO please

STO:=[`162` = Record(mu = 475, sigma = 41),`70` = Record(mu = 480, sigma = 42),
       `70` = Record(mu = 480, sigma = 42),`168` = Record(mu = 448, sigma = 103),
     `168` = Record(mu = 448, sigma = 103),`162` = Record(mu = 475, sigma = 41)]

`Non-fatal error while reading data from kernel.`






I'm trying to export a file using the .mw file. without a lot of success. Can someone help?

For 1 game, the output is between (8) and (9).

For 2 games. the output is after (17).



I have maple code saved as a text file f.txt.

It resides here


what is the most expedient way to convert to f.mpl ?


l'm on here with yet another optimization problem...

Wanting to know if I can get the same results as Samir using DirectSearch package. After 2.2.2


Hot on the heels of my previous question

I have attempted to maximize growth while keeping variance below a fixed level (with not much success), but 

can any of you maximize the growth of a 3 stock portfolio while minimizing the variance.

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