
12 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 201 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by cacophony

Hi.. been using maple v.10 for a few days now.. I created a maple sheet for newton's method of approximation.

The aim was to find F(x) = 0, my final value for Xo was −1.509410457

I wanted to know, how to create a situation where Xo is continuously replaced with Xnew until Xo = Xnew.

Here's my code:

> restart;

> Xo:=-2;

> F(x):=(Xo^5) + 3*((Xo)^2)+1;

> dFx:=5*((Xo)^4) + 6*(Xo);



Xo := -2

F(x) := -19

dFx := 68

> Xnew:=Xo - ((F(x))/dFx);

Xnew := ----
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