
35 Reputation

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7 years, 133 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by carriewong


Thanks. Could you also tell me how to remove the blue line in the graph? 

Yep,but that is a formula calculating directly from given p and n .My task is to reform my code in Ex 3 so that it could be used to cover a general case (p,n) rather than modifying my code everytime(Currently my code only works for p = 7 and n =3.If I want it for,say,p=8 and n =3,I would have to change my code to {seq( convert(a*v mod 8, list),a=0..7)}).

Sorry,I am not sure what you mean?

Sorry,I've just found out there is one more question...

If I want to transform the whole z-plane to a new domain of i*sqrt(z),what is the range of z? ( I tried 0..2Pi,but I guess maple regarded it as a real number)

@Rouben Rostamian  


I've tried fieldplot3d but it doesn't work for a system of differential equations ?





end proc:

a:=(x,y)-> (x(t))*(y(t)-1);
Warning, `Sys` is implicitly declared local to procedure `linearlise`
Warning, `eq1` is implicitly declared local to procedure `linearlise`
Warning, `eq2` is implicitly declared local to procedure `linearlise`
Warning, `expansion1` is implicitly declared local to procedure `linearlise`
Warning, `expansion2` is implicitly declared local to procedure `linearlise`
Warning, `linsys` is implicitly declared local to procedure `linearlise`
(x, y) -> x(t)*(y(t) - 1)
(x, y) -> 4 - y(t)^2  - x(t)^2
Error, (in linearlise) invalid input: rhs received a, which is not valid for its 1st argument, expr


Thanks all of you.I am pretty sure that the graph is correct since I've got a similar problem in my textbook,and thanks for the explanation of the meaning of function frac(t) 

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