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These are replies submitted by ceeeb

@nm   thanks very much  !

 and so sorry for didn't post code ,   I will  notice that next time.


Hi , Thanks for the  kind reply.  Through your hints, I  seem to know  where I went wrong,

the  reason why algsubs  did not work is that  , the σ'  on  both sides  are different . 

as for the custom coloring, I didn't  make  any cunstom coloring/style at all , I  just  turn on the atomic variable  highlight  by  View->Atomic Varidables   in the ribbon bar.  and  that  renders  atomic variables   in  pink  .

the following  is   the  comparison  the 1d input of the symbol  σ'   


the first line is the original equation  , in which  i  typed every  symbol manualy  ,  if  I copy the σ'  in the original  equation  and do algsubs  , it works , 

but if I copy the  σ'  from  the   evaluated equation  (i.e.   the equation on the second line) ,   and do algsubs , it didn't work  ,  and  picture above  also shows  the two σ'   are  different  , the second  σ'  has one more attribute     mathcolor="bule"  .

So the lesson is  whenever doing algsubs substitution, make sure you use the symbol  of the original equation ( i.e.  copy the symbol from the oringinal equation,  not from evaluated equation) 

thanks again and  have a nice day!



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