
15 Reputation

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0 years, 283 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by ceeeb

hi , there is a simple expression ,

1D-input code: 

3*G*(`Δγ`*H - `σy`(`Δγ`) + q)/(-q + `σy`(`Δγ`))^2;


and I want to simplify it like below ,but failed  ,


hope for the result:

3*G*`Δγ`*H/(q - `σy`(`Δγ`))^2 - 3*G/(q - `σy`(`Δγ`));

then  I'd like to use algsubs , but again  a error occurs.

1D-input :

algsubs(3*G*`Δγ`/(q - `σy`(`Δγ`)) = y, 3*G*`Δγ`*H/(q - `σy`(`Δγ`))^2 - 3*G/(q - `σy`(`Δγ`)));


hope for some suggestions . thanks!

hi   is there any method to tell maple do a paticular auto substitution  ,see picture  below.

i hope  this substitution can be done automatically , instead of using algsubs(signum()^2=1,eq(2)) 

i have tried simplify()  , but did not work.


the maple document is  p151.mw

Hi everyone, I'm trying to do some simple algebraic simplification operations and run into algsubs replacement failures,

 the symbol σ' is typed in this way:  σ +  prime (left Palettes -> Common Symbols -> prime) + (selecting σ'  and  press  Ctrl+Shift+A  make it  a  atomic variable) 

I'm new to this, any help or suggestion is welcome, thanks! 

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