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19 years, 34 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by cryptoj

Does anyone have any experience with LyX and Maple10's LaTeX output. I've tried to import into LyX the LaTeX output from Maple10. Seems to import ok, but when try to export to pdf from LyX many errors are generated. I have loaded the Maple classes into LyX. Has anyone worked with LyX and Maple LaTeX output? thanks for your suggestions, best regards, James Cunningham
In a document where variable names are being reused is there a way to reset the variable names. For example in document mode, matrices A, B, and C are defined. Symbolic calculation results are as expected. Later A, B, C are redefined, but intended to be smaller matrices. Results are not as expected. But if I use new variables, e.g. A1, B1, and C1 results are expected. Is there away to reset A, B, C or reset all variables in the document? thanks for your suggestions, best regards, James Cunningham
When I create a maple10 document and then output to latex, I've noticed not everything is there. For example I write a paragraph and then in math mode type the simple expression that is equivalent to: i^2-3j+4. The expression is followed by a new line. The resulting latex output only generates from this expression: -+ Has anyone else had any similar experience with latex output from maple10 and any idea of what I could be doing wrong or a work around. Thanks in advance for your ideas and best regards, James Cunningham
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