
35 Reputation

3 Badges

8 years, 56 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dareimert

Can you generate equation numbers for inline equations?

How would I solve for the product of two terms ( s*V or s^2*V). This is a simple example but I would be applying this on much higher order equations.

     V = Vx/(a*s^2 + b*s + c)

In Flow the display command only works with one plot. with two I get an error message.

  "( in Flow:-EvaluateMath) too many levels of recursion"

For some reason every := on my work sheet has turned to "d" how to if fix this.


I am trying to plot generator reactive output (Q) over a range of generator power output (P) with field current (Ifldc) and terminal voltage (Et) constant using “solve”. The system of equations includes an interpolating fiction Ifld(el).

I’m looking for some help as to how to configure a solution. Attached are a few of my failed attempts.

The upload of my file deleats the "solve" fo my first try it is:





MvaGen := 1354; PfGen := .935; KvGen := 24


           Xd__u := 1.89 - Synchronous reactance of d-axis, Unsatuarted

              Xq__u := 1.80 - Synchronous reactance of q-axis, Unsatuarted

              X__l := .26   - leakage reactance d or q-axis``


            Ifld__base := 3114


Open Ckt Sat Curve DS807-1a

     First col=Ifld amps   

     Second col= el voltage behind leakage reactance


OC_SatDat := Matrix(16, 2, {(1, 1) = 0, (1, 2) = 0., (2, 1) = 655.6456, (2, 2) = .3422578, (3, 1) = 1009.961, (3, 2) = .5331404, (4, 1) = 1253.12, (4, 2) = .6492209, (5, 1) = 1562.724, (5, 2) = .8014143, (6, 1) = 1893.545, (6, 2) = .9329786, (7, 1) = 2201.68, (7, 2) = 1.033593, (8, 1) = 2487.276, (8, 2) = 1.108416, (9, 1) = 2793.943, (9, 2) = 1.157452, (10, 1) = 3122.338, (10, 2) = 1.203911, (11, 1) = 3690.959, (11, 2) = 1.263294, (12, 1) = 4259.141, (12, 2) = 1.307202, (13, 1) = 4827.028, (13, 2) = 1.340795, (14, 1) = 5351.085, (14, 2) = 1.366646, (15, 1) = 5787.775, (15, 2) = 1.387329, (16, 1) = 6224.391, (16, 2) = 1.405433})

  ido := It*sin(theta+delta)

Plot OC saturation with field current in pu





      OC_Sat_Ifld_pu := Column(OC_SatDat, [1])/Ifld__base

         OC_Sat := Concatenate(2, Column(OC_SatDat, [2]), OC_Sat_Ifld_pu) 


iterpolate values of field current vs el from OC sat curve


                                    pts_el := Column(OC_Sat, [1]); pts_Ifldpu := Column(OC_Sat, [2])



                         Ifield as a function of el  ->  Ifld := LinearInterpolation(pts_el, pts_Ifldpu)



Solve for Q with


P = .935; Iflc := 1.88; Et := 1.0





 Eq1 := Ir = P/Et; Eq2 := Ix = Q/Et    Eq3 := It*sqrt(Ir^2+Ix^2)     Eq4:=theta = arctan(Q, P)


    Eq5 := el = abs(Et+X__l*(Ix+I*Ir))      Eq6 := `ΨAG__d` = Xad__u*Ifld(el)   Eq7:=K__ds = el/`ΨAG__d`


NULL Eq8 := Xd__s = K__ds*Xad__u+X__l   Eq9 := `ΨAG__q` = Xaq__u*Ifld(el)    Eq10 := K__qs = el/`ΨAG__q`


   Eq11 := Xq__s = X__l+K__qs(el)*Xaq__u      Eq12 := Eq = Et+Xq__s(el)*(Q/Et+I*P/Et)



Eq13 := delta = argument(Eq)        Eq14 := eqo = Et*cos(delta)    Eq15 := ido = It*sin(theta+delta)


Eq16 := EI = Xd__s*Iflec; Eq17 := EI = Ido*Xd__s+eqo


syst := {E15, Eq1, Eq10, Eq11, Eq12, Eq13, Eq14, Eq16, Eq17, Eq2, Eq3, Eq4, Eq5, Eq6, Eq7, Eq8, Eq9}




solve(sys, {Eq, Ir, It, Ix, K__ds, K__qs, Q, Xd__s, Xq__s, el, eqo, ido, theta, `ΨAG__d`, `ΨAG__q`})

Warning, solving for expressions other than names or functions is not recommended.






`` Ix := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; Q/Et end proc   It := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; sqrt(Ir^2+Ix^2) end proc     theta := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; arctan(Q, P) end proc


 el := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; abs(Et+X__l*(Ix(Q)+I*Ir)) end proc      `ΨAG__d` := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; Xad__u*Ifld(el(Q)) end proc   K__ds := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; el(Q)/`ΨAG__d`(el(Q)) end proc``

NULL Xd__s := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; X__l+K__ds(el(Q))*Xad__u end proc   `ΨAG__q` := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; Xaq__u*Ifld(el(Q)) end proc    K__qs := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; el(Q)/`ΨAG__q`(el(Q)) end proc

Xq__s := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; X__l+K__qs(Q)*Xaq__u end proc      Eq := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; Et+Xq__s(Q)*(Q/Et+I*P/Et) end proc


delta := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; argument(Eq(Q)) end proc        eqo := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; Et*cos(delta(Q)) end proc    ido := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; It*sin(theta(Q)+delta(Q)) end proc``


EI := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; Xd__s(Q)*Iflec end proc    EI := proc (Q) options operator, arrow; eqo(Q)+Xd__s(Q)*Ido(Q) end proc



solve(EI(Q) = eqo(Q)+Xd__s(Q)*Ido(Q), {Eq, Ir, It, Ix, K__ds, K__qs, Q, Xd__s, Xq__s, el, eqo, ido, theta, `ΨAG__d`, `ΨAG__q`})

{Eq = Eq, Ir = Ir, It = It, Ix = Ix, K__ds = K__ds, K__qs = K__qs, Q = Q, Xd__s = Xd__s, Xq__s = Xq__s, el = el, eqo = eqo, ido = ido, theta = theta, `ΨAG__d` = `ΨAG__d`, `ΨAG__q` = `ΨAG__q`}





     "Eq20:=Ir=P/(Et):     Eq21:=Ix=Q->Q/(Et):"

Error, invalid operator parameter name

"Eq20:=Ir=P/Et: Eq21:=Ix=Q->Q/Et:"







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