
55 Reputation

5 Badges

2 years, 189 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by delvin

How can an equation containing a logarithmic function be converted into a polynomial?

 I run the attached code, but after waiting for a few minutes, there is no response, does anyone know the reason?

 It only shows Evaluating!!!!


What command can I use to solve the attached equation and draw its graph?

ode := -(q2-q4)*(q2-q3)*(q1-q4)*(q1-q3)*y(w)^2+(q1+q2-q3-q4)*(2*q1*q2-q1*q3-q1*q4-q2*q3-q2*q4+2*q3*q4)*(diff(y(w), w))*y(w)+(-2*q1^2-2*q1*q2+3*q1*q3+3*q1*q4-2*q2^2+3*q2*q3+3*q2*q4-6*q3*q4)*(diff(y(w), w))^2+(q1-q2+q3-q4)*(q1-q2-q3+q4)*(diff(y(w), w, w))*y(w)+(3*q1+3*q2-3*q3-3*q4)*(diff(y(w), w, w))*(diff(y(w), w))-3*(diff(y(w), w, w))^2+(-q1-q2+q3+q4)*(diff(y(w), w, w, w))*y(w)+2*(diff(y(w), w, w, w))*(diff(y(w), w)) = 0

-(q2-q4)*(q2-q3)*(q1-q4)*(q1-q3)*y(w)^2+(q1+q2-q3-q4)*(2*q1*q2-q1*q3-q1*q4-q2*q3-q2*q4+2*q3*q4)*(diff(y(w), w))*y(w)+(-2*q1^2-2*q1*q2+3*q1*q3+3*q1*q4-2*q2^2+3*q2*q3+3*q2*q4-6*q3*q4)*(diff(y(w), w))^2+(q1-q2+q3-q4)*(q1-q2-q3+q4)*(diff(diff(y(w), w), w))*y(w)+(3*q1+3*q2-3*q3-3*q4)*(diff(diff(y(w), w), w))*(diff(y(w), w))-3*(diff(diff(y(w), w), w))^2+(-q1-q2+q3+q4)*(diff(diff(diff(y(w), w), w), w))*y(w)+2*(diff(diff(diff(y(w), w), w), w))*(diff(y(w), w)) = 0


ans := dsolve(ode, y(w))




 Is it possible to write the Maple code to reach the partial differential equation from the following answer and reach the equation?


 Examples of it 


The problem of saving photos in eps format with a small size
When I draw a function diagram with Maple, when I save the photo in eps format, the size is high, but I want the size to be high and the volume to be low, what should I do? If anyone can and knows how to draw with MATLAB, write the code for me, I would be grateful

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