
55 Reputation

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2 years, 193 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by delvin


I want to define the functions 10 and 11 and then put them in the eq equation, then simplify them and get the unknown values after the solve command, but there are error.

And value the function psi ?







Error, empty script base

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U(xi[n+1]) := U(xi[n]+d)



U(xi[n-1]) := U(xi[n]-d)




eq := c*(diff(U, xi[n]))*(U(xi[n])+u(xi[n-1]))*(U(xi[n])+u(xi[n+1]))-(2*(u(xi[n-1])-u(xi[n+1])))*(U(xi[n])^2)(1-U(xi[n])^2)





How to write a program that obtains the value of the function by giving different values
Like the example below:


How is the expansion of trigonometric functions in Maple like the following function?

How do I add the solve command to the end?


Is anyone here familiar with MATLAB?

To guide the 3D chart that has already been drawn by Maple software.

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