
50 Reputation

5 Badges

2 years, 66 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by delvin

Why aren't all the variables in fin 1 equation?

And the answers are different from the solutions?




eq1 := 12*gamma^3*rho[3]^2*(diff(w(psi), `$`(psi, 2)))+(-3*gamma*rho[2]^2+4*omega*rho[3]^2)*w(psi)+gamma*rho[3]^2*(rho[1]+2*rho[3])*w(psi)^3

12*gamma^3*rho[3]^2*(diff(diff(w(psi), psi), psi))+(-3*gamma*rho[2]^2+4*omega*rho[3]^2)*w(psi)+gamma*rho[3]^2*(rho[1]+2*rho[3])*w(psi)^3




proc (psi) options operator, arrow, function_assign; kappa[0]+sum(kappa[i]*(diff(E, psi))^i/E(psi)^i, i = 1 .. 1)+sum(h[i]*((diff(E, psi))/E(psi))^(-i), i = 1 .. 1) end proc


"E(psi):=((epsilon[1]*jacobiCN(Zeta[1]*psi))+(epsilon[2]*jacobiSN(Zeta[2]*psi)))/((epsilon[3]*jacobiCN(Zeta[3]*psi))+(epsilon[4]*jacobiSN(Zeta[4]*psi))) ;"

proc (psi) options operator, arrow, function_assign; (varepsilon[1]*jacobiCN(Zeta[1]*psi)+varepsilon[2]*jacobiSN(Zeta[2]*psi))/(varepsilon[3]*jacobiCN(Zeta[3]*psi)+varepsilon[4]*jacobiSN(Zeta[4]*psi)) end proc




fin1 := simplify(eq1)



Sol := solve(fin1, {omega, Zeta[1], Zeta[2], Zeta[3], Zeta[4], epsilon[1], epsilon[2], epsilon[3], epsilon[4], h[1], kappa[0], kappa[1]})

{omega = omega, Zeta[1] = Zeta[1], Zeta[2] = Zeta[2], Zeta[3] = Zeta[3], Zeta[4] = Zeta[4], h[1] = h[1], kappa[0] = 0, kappa[1] = kappa[1], varepsilon[1] = varepsilon[1], varepsilon[2] = varepsilon[2], varepsilon[3] = varepsilon[3], varepsilon[4] = varepsilon[4]}, {omega = -(1/4)*gamma*(kappa[0]^2*rho[1]*rho[3]^2+2*kappa[0]^2*rho[3]^3-3*rho[2]^2)/rho[3]^2, Zeta[1] = Zeta[1], Zeta[2] = Zeta[2], Zeta[3] = Zeta[3], Zeta[4] = Zeta[4], h[1] = h[1], kappa[0] = kappa[0], kappa[1] = kappa[1], varepsilon[1] = varepsilon[1], varepsilon[2] = varepsilon[2], varepsilon[3] = varepsilon[3], varepsilon[4] = varepsilon[4]}


for i to 2 do Case[i] := allvalues(Sol[i]) end do

{omega = omega, Zeta[1] = Zeta[1], Zeta[2] = Zeta[2], Zeta[3] = Zeta[3], Zeta[4] = Zeta[4], h[1] = h[1], kappa[0] = 0, kappa[1] = kappa[1], varepsilon[1] = varepsilon[1], varepsilon[2] = varepsilon[2], varepsilon[3] = varepsilon[3], varepsilon[4] = varepsilon[4]}


{omega = -(1/4)*gamma*(kappa[0]^2*rho[1]*rho[3]^2+2*kappa[0]^2*rho[3]^3-3*rho[2]^2)/rho[3]^2, Zeta[1] = Zeta[1], Zeta[2] = Zeta[2], Zeta[3] = Zeta[3], Zeta[4] = Zeta[4], h[1] = h[1], kappa[0] = kappa[0], kappa[1] = kappa[1], varepsilon[1] = varepsilon[1], varepsilon[2] = varepsilon[2], varepsilon[3] = varepsilon[3], varepsilon[4] = varepsilon[4]}






I want to write a program to get unknown coefficients of multiple polynomials. I have a problem with this program. The code sometimes doesn't work. Can anyone help me? It's very important to me.




EQ[0] := tanh(d)*b[1]*(b[1]+1)



EQ[1] := -(-1+(a[1]-b[1]-1)*tanh(d)^2+(a[0]+1)*tanh(d))*b[1]



EQ[2] := tanh(d)*((a[1]-b[1])*(a[0]+1)*tanh(d)-b[1]^2-a[1])



EQ[3] := (-a[1]^2+(2*b[1]-1)*a[1]-b[1]^2-b[1])*tanh(d)^2+(a[1]+b[1])*(a[0]+1)*tanh(d)-a[1]-b[1]



EQ[4] := -tanh(d)*((a[1]-b[1])*(a[0]+1)*tanh(d)+a[1]^2+b[1])



EQ[5] := -a[1]*(-1+(-a[1]+b[1]-1)*tanh(d)^2+(a[0]+1)*tanh(d))



EQ[6] := (a[1]+1)*a[1]*tanh(d)



Eqs := {seq(EQ[i], i = 0 .. 6)}

Sol := solve(Eqs, {a[0], a[1], b[1]})NULL

{a[0] = a[0], a[1] = 0, b[1] = 0}, {a[0] = (tanh(d)^2-tanh(d)+1)/tanh(d), a[1] = -1, b[1] = -1}, {a[0] = -(tanh(d)-1)/tanh(d), a[1] = -1, b[1] = 0}, {a[0] = -(tanh(d)-1)/tanh(d), a[1] = 0, b[1] = -1}


for i from 2 to 4 do Case[i] := allvalues(Sol[i]) end do

{a[0] = -(tanh(d)-1)/tanh(d), a[1] = 0, b[1] = -1}




`[Length of output exceeds limit of 1000000]`

Hello, I want to get the the homogeneous balance principle for the Differential-Difference Equation with Maple. Can anyone help?

the homogeneous balance principle:The balance is made between sentences with the highest degree of nonlinearity and the highest order of the available derivative. We consider the power of terms like u^p as pM and u(q) as M + q and put them equal (pM=M+q) and get the value of M. Now, if M = 1/n (where m is an integer), then we use the transformation U= W^n, where W is a new function.



I want to define the functions 10 and 11 and then put them in the eq equation, then simplify them and get the unknown values after the solve command, but there are error.

And value the function psi ?







Error, empty script base

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U(xi[n+1]) := U(xi[n]+d)



U(xi[n-1]) := U(xi[n]-d)




eq := c*(diff(U, xi[n]))*(U(xi[n])+u(xi[n-1]))*(U(xi[n])+u(xi[n+1]))-(2*(u(xi[n-1])-u(xi[n+1])))*(U(xi[n])^2)(1-U(xi[n])^2)





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