
15 Reputation

3 Badges

10 years, 164 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dribble

This seems such a simple/basic question I'm almost too embarassed to ask.

Anyway. this is causing me some headaches


> A := <0|0>;

         A:= [0 0 ]

> B := A:

> A(1,1) := 2 ;

         A:= [2 0 ]

> B;

         B:= [2 0 ]

What do I do to prevent the elements of B changing if A changes, after using the assignment B:=A (or should I not be using this assignment?)  I mean, I would like the same behaviour as 

> a := 0;


> b := a;


> a := 2;


> b;


which seems to work as I "expect"...

How can I define general matrices in Maple and do symbolic manipulation - for example specifying a matirx M to be of dimension n x m where n and m are integers ?

Hi Everyone

Is there a built-in way to fit a regression using generalized least squares in Maple ?


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