
52 Reputation

3 Badges

17 years, 203 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by dtisdale

This is an old post that was answered already. I didn't repost this, check the date.
I did everything Acer said up to the point of your dsols assignment and then I continued with what you had from there. Cut and paste of your code didn't work for whatever reason I kept getting errors from maple that it was expecting some value and got another. Thanks everyone for your help.
I tried the worksheet with no success but, I didn't try 1-D mode. I'll give that a try and see how it works out. I also tried doing a plot with command plot(%,t=1..10); after the last dsolve command and I got an error "empty plot". Is maple this bad or is it me?
I get the message: "Error, (in .) too many levels of recursion". That's after the memory goes up to about 204MB and 50secs have past. Instead of typing it I just cut and paste and now it works. Thanks again.
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