
52 Reputation

3 Badges

17 years, 203 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dtisdale

I'm working on a problem for class that requires me to use dsolve but, I'm getting a generic error when I try to use dsolve the exact same way they use it in the example. my code is: A:=matrix([[-1,0],[1,-2]]); B:=matrix(2,1,[1,-1]); ics:=x(0)=matrix(2,1,[1,0]); equ:=diff(x(t),t)=A*x(t)+B; dsolve({equ,ics},{x(t)}); Error, (in solve) invalid arguments I don't know what's wrong with this since its almost exactly like the example they give for dsolve.
My class was given this question as a final homework but we can't figure out how to solve it. We have talked to the professor on multiple occasions but he will not provide any help. If anyone knows how to solve this using maple, please help. The question is below... solve x(t) = Ax(t)+B where B=[1 -1] A=[-1 0 1 2] and x(0) = (1 0) Sorry for the matrix formatting but, I don't know how to use the math equations here.
I am trying to create a plot for two differential equations but I'm not getting any graphs with the commands below. I'm not sure what's causing the problem and I've tried everything I can think of. Please help if you can. a := 2*ln(2) b := 1/5*ln(2) dose := proc (t) options operator, arrow; sum(2*Heaviside(t-6*n)-2*Heaviside(t-6*n-1/2), n = 0 .. 10) end proc J:=DEplot([diff(x(t), t) = dose(t)-a*x, diff(y(t), t) = a*x-b*y], [x, y], 0 .. 50, {[0, 0, 0]}, stepsize = .5, scene = ([t, x])) K:=DEplot([diff(x(t), t) = dose(t)-a*x, diff(y(t), t) = a*x-b*y], [x, y], 0 .. 50, {[0, 0, 0]}, stepsize = .5, scene = ([t, y]))
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