
55 Reputation

5 Badges

6 years, 361 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by eager0626


I have a problem with graph using odeplot.

As showed in lower picture, the value of the y axis is so long.

So, i want to adjust the display digits to decrease the length of the values.

Do you have any method to do it?

Thank you!



I work in maple  2017,but the "interface "command seems doesn't work. But it works in the old version(maple 18). Does anyone know what problem with it?


I am so happy that this is my first time to ask a quension here.

Like the graph pasted down, i can get a graph of a ode with the odeplot in time domain.

Furthermore, i just want to get a envelope plot based on the time domain graph, just like showed in

the example graph here,

i have no way to plot it in maple,

Does anyone know a method to plot it in maple? 

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