
20 Reputation

2 Badges

11 years, 36 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by fanicia

so if i want to perform a function on elements from a list i do 


X:=[3, 5, 6, 7]


add(x*ln(x), x = X)



but what if i want to have two lists X and Y and perform the function xi*ln(yi) and add that up?



PS: keep in mind that im working with integers aswell as floats


thanks :)

So if i have a list of numbers X:=[1, 3, 8, 9, 10] for example, how do i calculate the Σx*ln(x) for each x in X ?


im certain it must be possible but i cant figure out how.


thanks for your time :)

i want to plot the region D={(x,y)|0<=x<=1,0<=y<=1-x} in a 2d plot. how to i do this in the most possible way?


i know im supposed to use with(plots) and then implicitplot() but i cant seem to get it right...



any help is appreciated :)

i have been given the simple assignment to sketch the region consisting of points whose polar coordinates satisfy the given coordinates:


2<r≤5,   (3*Pi)/4<θ<(5*Pi)/4



i know how it is supposed to look, but how do i plot it?


I have been playing around with the polarplots function for a good hour now, but with no luck


Thank you for the help

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