
65 Reputation

3 Badges

5 years, 259 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by fatemeh1090

@Carl Love 

Thanks so much.

According to the attached file an example of cylindrical is provided, that shows the influence of w on the cylindrical shells instead of our desired surface.

Is possible instead of color plot that you provided, we have a result same as shown in the attached maple file?

If old data and fuctions are not good and has difficulty, is it possible to map function provided on attached file on our surface instaed of cylindrical one and test with that? that function is

w := (x, theta) -> 0.01503546462*(sin(-2.365000000 + 9.460000000*x) + (-1)*0.1328620030*sinh(-2.365000000 + 9.460000000*x))*cos(6*theta)






Please answer me with consideration of this point.

x  is the cartesian-coordinate , so that x = r*cos(theta).

theta is just the same as phi.

@Carl Love 

Dear Carl,

Could you please guide me. I am waiting to receive your help.


@Carl Love 

Thanks so much,

I think the following answers:

x  is the cartesian-coordinate , so that x = r*cos(theta).

theta is just the same as phi.

Please if possible consider two cases. 

I want to see two results by considering each case and compare them.



My original question was about how to influence U[1,6] on the shell segment not the influence of U[1,6] on the cylindrical shell!!!!

How the influence of U[1,6] on this plot?

plot3d(3+cos(h), theta=0..2*Pi, h=-1..1, coords=cylindrical, style=surface, axes=none);
plot3d(3-cos(h), theta=0..2*Pi, h=-1..1, coords=cylindrical, style=surface, axes=none);


Thanks so much.




I applied whole of the your comments, but only the first one is calculated and the other terms not calculated!!!

What is the problem?

Thanks so much


Download oneInts.mw




Dear Tomleslie,

Do you find the problem?

I do know sometimes the program works and next time it encounters with error!!!

Thanks so much for your help



Could you please explain in fprint about (int=%12.8e\n)?

I do know what is the problem in the new attached file below.

please help again.




Could you please help me with the plot function as mentioned in the example file?



Thanks but I need some graphs like this.

I want to plot bifurcation diagrams to see saddle points and Hopf bifurcations.



Thanks so much.

According to the attached file for results that you plotted, how we can show the influence of U[1,6] on plot3d? An example of cylindrical is provided, that shows the influence of U[1,6] on the cylindrical shells. 

I want to use this procedure on plot3d (convex or concave toroidal shell ).


@Carl Love 

Thanks so much.

It is just an equation that is written in Mathematica. I want to solve it in maple only.

Because this is not related to the type programming.





@Carl Love 

Dear Carl,

Could you please help me.


@Carl Love 

Dear Carl,

Thanks so much for your reply.

Yes, I deleted the imaginary part of the solution.

If possible please send me your calculation in maple format?

Could you please help me in finding the result mentioned in the source file for f?

I do not know how I should solve the system of the equation to determine coefficients An. Also, I am not sure about the system equation mentioned in the source

I want to calculate the gradient of f?

Thanks in advanced



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