
271 Reputation

6 Badges

19 years, 36 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by fbackelj

Hello, contourplot can be given a list of contours levels or a integer specifying the number of evenly spaced contour levels it should plot. In the second case, or even in the default case, is there a way to know what these contour levels are? The legend only shows Curve1, Curve2, ... but to which contour levels do these curves correspond? -- Thanks in advance, Franky.
Hello, I was wondering just how evaluation to n levels works as compared to the default eval statement (Maple 10). As an example, consider this: a := 1; whattype(''a''); // uneval whattype(eval(''a'')); // symbol whattype(eval(eval(''a''))); // integer The same information can be retrieved by adding a number to eval, indicating the level. as in: a := 1; whattype(eval(''a'',1)); // uneval whattype(eval(''a'',2)); // symbol whattype(eval(''a'',3)); // integer So I would expect the same behavior for the following example: whattype(''sin(2.0)''); // uneval whattype(eval(''sin(2.0)'')); // function
Hello, suppose you have the following function which gives 1 if both its arguments are even: G := (i,j) -> if is(i,even) and is(j,even) then 1; else 0; end if; Then what is the difference between these two statements: sum( sum( G(i,j), i=0..5 ), j=0..5 ); add( add( G(i,j), i=0..5 ), j=0..5 ); The first one gives 0 and no sum is actually computed (you can see this by adding print(i) and print(j) statements in the body of G). The second one gives the correct result, namely 9. How come i is not replaced in sum? -- Thanks for any reply, Franky.
Hello! Is it possible to change the background color of worksheets or document? Regards, Franky.
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