
4 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 305 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by fishhead

A simplified optimization problem of mine can be stated as follows: obj := (b) -> x^2-b*y; constr := (b) -> b*x+y = 0; SL := (b) -> NLPSolve(obj(b), {constr(b)}) which means that the objective function "obj" is minimized under the constraint "constr" given a certain value of b. Input the command SL(0), SL(1)..., maple will give you corresponding optimized values of "obj". But this relationship between b and SL(b) cannot be plotted. At least, with a simple function like plot(SL(b),0..100) it is impossible to get a figure. solve this problem here? Thx a lot!
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