
15 Reputation

4 Badges

15 years, 82 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by fm3c2007

1-(1-x1)(1-x2)....(1-xn)=1-(inverted PI).

Is there a simbol for the Inverted PI?



I'm trying to do get the Inverse of Matrix A, I tried this:
> restart;
> with(LinearAlgebra);
> A := Matrix(4, 4, [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, l, l^2, l^3], [0, 1, l, l^2]]);
Matrix(%id = 83774380)
> B := MatrixInverse(A);
Error, (in LinearAlgebra:-MatrixInverse) singular matrix

 And got an error, could someone help me.


Hi all,


I'm looking for maplets for operations research (single machine problems)...if possible for free.


Thanks for your time. 

I All,

I just startup on Maple and i can't get the result of adding to  matrix. I used a worksheet and the math mode. The input is in 2-D Math Notation. Could Someone help me. 

> a := matrix([[93, 43], [19, 37]]); b := matrix([[48, 20], [19, 37]]);

> a+b;                             a + b


Thank You

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