
4 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 198 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by gargamel

I tried changing the node limits settings like you suggested but Maple still stalls out when I try to output my restults to the screen. Since it seems that the results are too large to print to the screen can you exaborate on how I could use CodeGeneration/write/fprintf to output the hidden results to a text file or Matlab .m file. For example if I have something like: P := jacobian(M, State_vector): y := P*F: where State_vector, M, and F are all vectors and the result of y is too large for Maple to display to the screen (even after I change the node limits settings) how can I use CodeGeneration/write/fprintf to send the hidden output of y to a .txt or .m file? Thank you for any help you can give.
I tried changing the node limits settings like you suggested but Maple still stalls out when I try to output my restults to the screen. Since it seems that the results are too large to print to the screen can you exaborate on how I could use CodeGeneration/write/fprintf to output the hidden results to a text file or Matlab .m file. For example if I have something like: P := jacobian(M, State_vector): y := P*F: where State_vector, M, and F are all vectors and the result of y is too large for Maple to display to the screen (even after I change the node limits settings) how can I use CodeGeneration/write/fprintf to send the hidden output of y to a .txt or .m file? Thank you for any help you can give.
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