
4 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 223 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by gargamel

I am trying to compute some Lie brackets in Maple but am having trouble with the output. The first five few terms that I computed are small enough that they will display with pretty print. However, the sixth term gave me the error 'Large output of more than 1000000 nodes' and it couldn't display. I turned pretty print off and eventually got it to display the sixth term but now I can't get the seventh or eighth terms to display even with pretty print off. Every time I try to output the expression for the seventh or eighth Lie bracket Maple just stalls out. Since it can compute the terms that I need but not display them is there a way I can export the hidden content to a text file or some other format so I can copy and paste the equations into Matlab?
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