
40 Reputation

4 Badges

4 years, 58 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by gawati2611


Could you help me please...

There are lot's of packages and instructions how to expand function to Fourier Series but in 2006, 2010

Please help...



Could you help me plesase, I have a matrix like this:

And I want to get determinant of this matrix as function f(w1,w2) but when I use Determinant I always get something like this:


I have a matrix and all elements has two indexes. For example 3x3 case:

1,1 1,2 1,3

2,1 2,2 2,3

3,1 3,2 3,3

So if I want to travers this matrix in zig-zag way and fill it with increasing numbers I will get this matrix:

1 2 6

3 5 7

4 8 9

From 1 to 2,3 and 4,5,6 ...

We have 9 elemets in this order:

1 - (1,1); 2 - (1,2); 3 - (2,1); 4 - (3,1); 5 - (2,2); 6 - (1,3); 7 - (2,3); 8 - (3,2); 9 - (3,3).

The question is - do we have a way to convert two indexes in one digit like (3,1) -> 4 or (2,3) -> 7

Thank you!

Could you help me please if there is a way to convert to


Could you help me please to plot a fuction with domain and complex range (Maple 2020.1). For example:

f := (x, w) -> exp(w*x*I)

x,w are real numbers



I've just want to use indexes in functions, like this (Maple 2020.1)

f[l,m]:=(x,y)->x^k + y^m

But I can't get the result of it:


Maple show me not 4, but the same function.

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