
175 Reputation

8 Badges

15 years, 95 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by goli

hi, k and w are constants ( numbers)

thank you

Hi i want to solve this three equations as a function of ,t, (time). i have a analytic (symbolic) solution not a numerical solution. can you help me to solve it? i have to evaluate B,g,a and b is fixed. B*(B-1)*t^B+3*a*B*t^B-6*a+12*a^2 = 0 g*(g-1)*t^g+3*a*g*t^g+(6*a-12*a^2)*b*t^(B*(b-1)) = 0 -3*a^2/t^2-3*a*t^(B*b-2)*(a+B*b)+3*a*t^(g-2)*(a+g)+1/2*g*B*t^(g+B-2)+k^2*t^(-3*a*(1+w)) = 0 Thanks a lot.
thank you for your reply.
Hi i have a set of 3 equations as B*(B-1)*t^B+3*a*B*t^B-6*a+12*a^2 = 0 g*(g-1)*t^g+3*a*g*t^g+(6*a-12*a^2)*b*t^(B*(b-1)) = 0 -3*a^2/t^2-3*a*t^(B*b-2)*(a+B*b)+3*a*t^(g-2)*(a+g)+1/2*g*B*t^(g+B-2)+k^2*t^(-3*a(1+w)) = 0 i want to solve it and evaluate B,g,a but maple have no solution and say "Warning, solutions may have been lost" please help me to solve it. thank you
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