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17 years, 248 days

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These are questions asked by iff0

I am exporting 3d shapes generated by plot3d/surf3d to postscript, here is a comparison between my 11-year old copy of Maple from when I was a Freshman (left), and my current version(right): torus :( I've pretty much given up fiddling with the settings in Maple 11 to improve the quality; at this point, I'm wondering if anyone has any idea how to modify the .ps file itself to get rid of the thin diagonal lines that go through every quad in the (right) version. If it's simple enough, I could write a perl script to post-process my plots...
I'm generating fairly complex shapes and dumping the x,y,z coordinates of each point to a text file. The shapes have a high degree of spherical symmetry, so they usually look like a torus or ellipsoid. I've been using pointplot3d to plot the shapes using 'style=line'. The result is something that looks close enough to a wireframe plot. However, for my final thesis I will be submitting, I'd like to show the shapes opaquely (with hidden lines). Basically, the type of plot generated by: plot3d(sin(phi)^2, theta=0..2*Pi, phi=0..Pi,coords=spherical,style=wireframeopaque,color=black);
Hi! I have an external library with this function: double test(double x) { return sin(x); } In Maple I am doing this: test := define_external('test', x::(float[8]), RETURN::(float[8]), LIB = "Test.dylib"); f := x->test(x); Now when I call f(2) for example, I get 0.909297426825681710 back. But if I try this: plot(f(y), y = 0 .. 2); I get this error message: Error, (in f) invalid input: test expects its 1st argument, x, to be of type numeric, but received y I think I need to somehow convert the (possible) symbolic input of f into a float[8] before it is passed to the procedure test, but I can't figure it out.
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