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10 years, 232 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by janhardo

Bought this book way back in 2000 to learn programming in Maple for procedures.

Problem was that i could not test myself with the exercises, because there were no answers included 

Has someone answers in Maple from these exercises ? 

That is the only way to learn from this book and check my knowledge about programming.



Years ago i used maple as in a worksheet

Nowadys there are two ways to use Maple: in document mode and worksheet mode ?

Very confusing this and it seems that the old worksheet mode has nothing to do with the document mode

Now in Maple i don't now how to use the worksheet mode anymore.
Can this worksheet mode used togehter with the document mode?

This is real troublesome exercise  to use Maple, why should i use the document mode and offers it the same functionality as in the worksheet mode ?



I do have some m files and they containing procedures where i am interested in
How can i read those procedures in a m file

Thanks in advance

Is there a document with all elementairy plottools commands to find?

i must construct a numberline and lines to e4xplain with a arrow and text under it.

I see a document with maple graphics in it, but i don't see the maple code in the document.

Has the author protected his code ?
I like to see the maple code used for the document ..how to read this maple code?

Note: try to find answer on the Maple site , but no idea where to find thisinformation on how to set up a document..frustrating.  

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