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These are replies submitted by janhardo

                        (x - 2) (x + 2)


Factoring a curious product.. has nothing to do with a equation


                             x  - 4



The 2D mode does not seem to work error-free , but it does seem easier to work with.
Use the 1D mode , then you can be sure you won't encounter any error surprises, which can occur in 2D mode 


"i think it is usless, instead of this ask question there is a lot people which can help a lot "
Yes, if they will ...

I did not tried yet  to make a procedure out of the code of @mmcdara
"Currently, the equations are simple, but improvements are needed to extend this method to higher dimensions, such as (2+1) and (3+1). Right now, it’s only applicable to (1+1) dimensions"

So i try first to make code for (1+1) dimensions , what accepts th ewandted pdes 

KdV and SK equation, first place i  restored the code  to be readable, don't know further at the moment if the right answer appearing.


# === Hirota Bilinear Method ===
# This script provides tools to work with Hirota bilinear forms.
# It includes functions for handling bilinear derivatives, converting
# expressions to bilinear form, and printing results.

# === Bilinear Derivative / Hirota Operator ===
BD := proc(FF, DD)
    local f, g, x, m, opt;
    # Parse input arguments
    if nargs = 1 then
        return ‘*‘(FF[]);
    f, g := FF[];
    x, m := DD[];
    opt := args[3..-1];
    # Handle case where m = 0 (base case)
    if m = 0 then
        return procname(FF, opt);
    # Recursive definition of the Hirota operator
    procname([diff(f, x), g], [x, m-1], opt)
    - procname([f, diff(g, x)], [x, m-1], opt);

# === Display Bilinear Derivative ===
‘print/BD‘ := proc(FF, DD)
    local f, g, x, m, i;
    f, g := FF[];
    f := cat(f, ‘ ‘, g);
    g := product(D[args[i][1]]^args[i][2], i=2..nargs);
    if g <> 1 then
        f := ‘‘(g) * ‘‘(f);

# === Collect Terms ===
getFnumer := proc(df, f, pow::posint := 1)
    local i, g, fdenom;
    # Ensure the expression is a sum
    if type(df, ‘+‘) then
        g := [op(df)];
        fdenom := map(denom, g);
        # Locate the term with denominator f^pow
        for i to nops(fdenom) while fdenom[i] <> f^pow do od;
        if i > nops(fdenom) then
            error "No term(s) or numer=0 when denom=%1", op(0, f)^pow;
        g := numer(g[i]);
        if not type(expand(g), ‘+‘) then
            error "Expected more than 1 term about Hirota D-operator";
        return g;
    error "Expected 1st argument to be type ‘+‘.";

# === Extract Variable Powers ===
getvarpow := proc(df::function)
    local i, f, var, dif, pow;
    if op(0, df) <> diff then
        error "Expected diff function";
    f := convert(df, D);
    var := [op(f)];
    dif := [op(op([0, 0], f))];
    pow := [0$nops(var)];
    f := op(op(0, f))(var[]);
    for i to nops(var) do
        dif := selectremove(member, dif, {i});
        pow[i] := nops(dif[1]);
        dif := dif[2];
    pow := zip((x, y) -> [x, y], var, pow);
    pow := remove(has, pow, {0});
    [[f, f], pow[]];

# === Convert to Hirota Bilinear Form ===
HBF := proc(df)
    local i, c, f;
    if type(df, ‘+‘) then
        f := [op(df)];
        return map(procname, f);
    if type(df, ‘*‘) then
        f := [op(df)];
        f := selectremove(hasfun, f, diff);
        c := f[2];
        f := f[1];
        if nops(f) <> 1 then
            error "Need only one diff function factor.";
        f := f[];
        c := ‘*‘(c[]);
        f := getvarpow(f);
        f := [c, f];
        return f;
    if op(0, df) = diff then
        f := getvarpow(df);
        f := [1, f];
        return f;
    error "Unexpected type.";

# === Print Hirota Bilinear Form ===
printHBF := proc(PL::list)
    local j, DD, f, C, tmp, gcdC;
    C := map2(op, 1, PL);
    gcdC := 1;
    if nops(C) > 1 then
        tmp := [seq(cat(_Z, i), i=1..nops(C))];
        gcdC := tmp *~ C;
        gcdC := ‘+‘(gcdC[]);
        gcdC := factor(gcdC);
        tmp := selectremove(has, gcdC, tmp);
        gcdC := tmp[2];
        if gcdC = 0 then
            gcdC := 1;
        gcdC := gcdC * content(tmp[1]);
    if gcdC <> 1 then
        C := C /~ gcdC;
    DD := map2(op, 2, PL);
    f := op(0, DD[1][1][1]);
    DD := map(z -> product(D[z[i][1]]^z[i][2], i=2..nops(z)), DD);
    DD := zip(‘*‘, C, DD);
    DD := ‘+‘(DD[]);
    gcdC * ‘‘(DD) * cat(f, ‘ ‘, f);

# === Print Hirota Bilinear Transform ===
printHBT := proc(uf, u, f, i, j, PL, alpha := 1)
    local DD, g, C, tmp, pl;
    pl := printHBF(PL);
    if j > 0 then
        print(u = 2 * alpha * ’diff’(ln(f), x$j));
        print(u = 2 * alpha * ln(f));
    if i > 0 then
        print(’diff’(pl/f^2, x$i) = 0);
        print(pl/f^2 = 0);

# === Guess Differential Order ===
guessdifforder := proc(PL::list, x::name)
    local L, minorder, maxorder, tmp;
    L := map2(op, 2, PL);
    L := map(z -> z[2..-1], L);
    tmp := map(z -> map2(op, 2, z), L);
    tmp := map(z -> ‘+‘(z[]), tmp);
    tmp := selectremove(type, tmp, even);
    minorder := 0;
    if nops(tmp[1]) < nops(tmp[2]) then
        minorder := 1;
    tmp := map(z -> select(has, z, {x}), L);
    tmp := map(z -> map2(op, 2, z), tmp);
    if has(tmp, {[]}) then
        maxorder := 0;
        tmp := map(op, tmp);
        maxorder := min(tmp[]);
    if type(maxorder - minorder, odd) then
        maxorder := maxorder - 1;
    [minorder, maxorder];

# === Guess Alpha Value ===
guessalpha := proc(Res, uf, u, f, i, j, PL, alpha)
    local tmp, res, pl, flag, k;
    flag := 1;
    tmp := [op(Res)];
    tmp := map(numer, tmp);
    tmp := gcd(tmp[1], tmp[-1]);
    if type(tmp, ‘*‘) then
        tmp := remove(has, tmp, f);
    if tmp <> 0 and has(tmp, {alpha}) then
        tmp := solve(tmp/alpha^difforder(uf), {alpha});
        if tmp <> NULL and has(tmp, {alpha}) then
            for k to nops([tmp]) while flag = 1 do
                res := collect(expand(subs(tmp[k], Res)), f, factor);
                if res = 0 then
                    pl := subs(tmp[k], PL);
                    printHBT(uf, u, f, i, j, pl, rhs(tmp[k]));
                    flag := 0;

Error, missing operator or `;`




## Hirota Bilinear Method
 ## Bilinear Derivative / Hirota Operator



BD := proc(FF, DD)
    local f, g, x, m, opt;

    # If only one argument is provided, return the product of elements in FF
    if nargs = 1 then
        return ‘*‘(FF[]);

    # Extract elements from FF into f and g, and from DD into x and m
    f, g := FF[];
    x, m := DD[];

    # Capture any additional arguments passed to the procedure
    opt := args[3..-1];

    # If m (derivative order) is zero, recursively call the procedure with FF and optional arguments
    if m = 0 then
        return procname(FF, opt);

    # Compute the difference of two recursive calls:
    # 1. Differentiate f with respect to x, and keep g unchanged, reducing m by 1
    # 2. Keep f unchanged and differentiate g with respect to x, reducing m by 1
    return procname([diff(f, x), g], [x, m-1], opt) - procname([f, diff(g, x)], [x, m-1], opt);



# Inladen van pakketten

# Declaraties
declare(u(x, t));
declare(f(x, t));
alpha := 1;

# Definities
KdV := diff(u(x, t), t) + 6 * u(x, t) * diff(u(x, t), x) + diff(u(x, t), x, x, x);
Hirota := u(x, t) = 2 * alpha * diff(ln(f(x, t)), x);

# Substitutie van Hirota-transformatie
KdV_Hirota := simplify(subs(Hirota, KdV));
KdV_Hirota := expand(KdV_Hirota / (f(x, t)^2));

# Berekening van bilineaire termen met BD
BD := proc(FF, DD)
    local f, g, x, m, opt;

    # Controle op invoer
    if nargs = 1 then
        return mul(FF[]);

    # Ontleden van invoer
    f, g := op(FF);
    x, m := op(DD);
    opt := args[3 .. -1];

    # Basisgeval
    if m = 0 then
        return procname(FF, opt);

    # Recursieve berekening
    procname([diff(f, x), g], [x, m-1], opt)
    - procname([f, diff(g, x)], [x, m-1], opt);

# Debugging
debug_msg := proc(msg, val)
    print("[DEBUG]:", msg, val);

# Voorbeeldberekening
    # FF en DD instellen
    FF := [f(x, t), f(x, t)];
    DD := [x, 2];

    # Bilineaire afgeleide berekenen
    BD_result := BD(FF, DD);
    debug_msg("Bilineaire afgeleide van de tweede orde", BD_result);

    # Hergebruiken van BD in KdV-Hirota
    Hirota_Bilinear := simplify(KdV_Hirota + BD_result);
    debug_msg("Herschreven KdV-vergelijking met bilineaire termen", Hirota_Bilinear);

    # Resultaat printen
    print("Bilineaire afgeleide:", BD_result);
    print("Herschreven vergelijking:", Hirota_Bilinear);

    debug_msg("Fout opgetreden", lasterror());
end try;

u(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*u


f(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*f




diff(u(x, t), t)+6*u(x, t)*(diff(u(x, t), x))+diff(diff(diff(u(x, t), x), x), x)


u(x, t) = 2*(diff(f(x, t), x))/f(x, t)


diff(2*(diff(f(x, t), x))/f(x, t), t)+12*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(2*(diff(f(x, t), x))/f(x, t), x))/f(x, t)+diff(diff(diff(2*(diff(f(x, t), x))/f(x, t), x), x), x)


2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x))/f(x, t)^3-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(f(x, t), t))/f(x, t)^4+24*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))/f(x, t)^4-24*(diff(f(x, t), x))^3/f(x, t)^5+2*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))/f(x, t)^3-8*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))/f(x, t)^4+24*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2/f(x, t)^5-6*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))^2/f(x, t)^4-12*(diff(f(x, t), x))^4/f(x, t)^6


[f(x, t), f(x, t)]


[x, 2]


2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2


"[DEBUG]:", "Bilineaire afgeleide van de tweede orde", 2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2


(2*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))*f(x, t)^3-8*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))*f(x, t)^2-6*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))^2*f(x, t)^2+(2*f(x, t)^7+24*f(x, t)^2*(diff(f(x, t), x))+24*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2)*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2*f(x, t)^6+2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x))*f(x, t)^3-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(f(x, t), t))*f(x, t)^2-24*(diff(f(x, t), x))^3*f(x, t)-12*(diff(f(x, t), x))^4)/f(x, t)^6


"[DEBUG]:", "Herschreven KdV-vergelijking met bilineaire termen", (2*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))*f(x, t)^3-8*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))*f(x, t)^2-6*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))^2*f(x, t)^2+(2*f(x, t)^7+24*f(x, t)^2*(diff(f(x, t), x))+24*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2)*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2*f(x, t)^6+2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x))*f(x, t)^3-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(f(x, t), t))*f(x, t)^2-24*(diff(f(x, t), x))^3*f(x, t)-12*(diff(f(x, t), x))^4)/f(x, t)^6


"Bilineaire afgeleide:", 2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2


"Herschreven vergelijking:", (2*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))*f(x, t)^3-8*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))*f(x, t)^2-6*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))^2*f(x, t)^2+(2*f(x, t)^7+24*f(x, t)^2*(diff(f(x, t), x))+24*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2)*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2*f(x, t)^6+2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x))*f(x, t)^3-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(f(x, t), t))*f(x, t)^2-24*(diff(f(x, t), x))^3*f(x, t)-12*(diff(f(x, t), x))^4)/f(x, t)^6





# Declare variables
declare(u(x, t));  # Original function u(x, t)
declare(f(x, t));  # Auxiliary function f(x, t)
alpha := 1;        # Set alpha value for Hirota transformation

# Define the SK equation
SK := diff(u(x, t), t)
     + 45 * u(x, t)^2 * diff(u(x, t), x)
     + 15 * diff(u(x, t), x, x) * diff(u(x, t), x)
     + 15 * u(x, t) * diff(u(x, t), x, x, x)
     + diff(u(x, t), x, x, x, x, x) = 0;

# Hirota transformation
Hirota := u(x, t) = 2 * diff(diff(ln(f(x, t)), x), x);

# Substitute Hirota transformation into SK equation
SK_Hirota := subs(Hirota, SK);

# Simplify and normalize by f(x, t)^2
SK_Hirota := simplify(SK_Hirota / f(x, t)^2);

# Debugging output
debug_msg := proc(msg, val)
    print("[DEBUG]:", msg, val);

debug_msg("Transformed SK Equation", SK_Hirota);

# Example: Compute bilinear derivative for the second-order term
FF := [f(x, t), f(x, t)];  # Input functions for BD
DD := [x, 2];             # Second-order derivative
    BD_result := BD(FF, DD);
    debug_msg("Bilinear derivative for second order", BD_result);
    debug_msg("Error in BD computation", lasterror());
end try;

# Combine SK_Hirota with bilinear derivative results
    SK_Bilinear := simplify(SK_Hirota + BD_result);
    debug_msg("Rewritten SK Equation with bilinear terms", SK_Bilinear);

    # Print final result
    print("Bilinear derivative result:", BD_result);
    print("Rewritten SK Equation:", SK_Bilinear);
    debug_msg("Error combining bilinear terms with SK equation", lasterror());
end try;

u(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*u


f(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*f




diff(u(x, t), t)+45*u(x, t)^2*(diff(u(x, t), x))+15*(diff(diff(u(x, t), x), x))*(diff(u(x, t), x))+15*u(x, t)*(diff(diff(diff(u(x, t), x), x), x))+diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(u(x, t), x), x), x), x), x) = 0


u(x, t) = 2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))/f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2/f(x, t)^2


diff(2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))/f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2/f(x, t)^2, t)+45*(2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))/f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2/f(x, t)^2)^2*(diff(2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))/f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2/f(x, t)^2, x))+15*(diff(diff(2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))/f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2/f(x, t)^2, x), x))*(diff(2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))/f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2/f(x, t)^2, x))+15*(2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))/f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2/f(x, t)^2)*(diff(diff(diff(2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))/f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2/f(x, t)^2, x), x), x))+diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))/f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2/f(x, t)^2, x), x), x), x), x) = 0


(-2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), t))+18*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x))-60*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))+2*f(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x), x))+2*f(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x), x), x))-4*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x))-14*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x), x))-10*f(x, t)*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))+4*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2*(diff(f(x, t), t))+24*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2+40*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))^2*(diff(f(x, t), x)))/f(x, t)^5 = 0


"[DEBUG]:", "Transformed SK Equation", (-2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), t))+18*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x))-60*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))+2*f(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x), x))+2*f(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x), x), x))-4*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x))-14*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x), x))-10*f(x, t)*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))+4*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2*(diff(f(x, t), t))+24*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2+40*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))^2*(diff(f(x, t), x)))/f(x, t)^5 = 0


[f(x, t), f(x, t)]


[x, 2]


2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2


"[DEBUG]:", "Bilinear derivative for second order", 2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2


(-2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), t))+18*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x))-60*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))+2*f(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x), x))+2*f(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x), x), x))-4*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x))-14*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x), x))-10*f(x, t)*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))+4*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2*(diff(f(x, t), t))+24*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2+40*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))^2*(diff(f(x, t), x)))/f(x, t)^5+2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2 = 2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2


"[DEBUG]:", "Rewritten SK Equation with bilinear terms", (-2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), t))+18*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x))-60*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))+2*f(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x), x))+2*f(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x), x), x))-4*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x))-14*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x), x))-10*f(x, t)*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))+4*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2*(diff(f(x, t), t))+24*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2+40*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))^2*(diff(f(x, t), x)))/f(x, t)^5+2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2 = 2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2


"Bilinear derivative result:", 2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2


"Rewritten SK Equation:", (-2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), t))+18*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x))-60*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))+2*f(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x), x))+2*f(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x), x), x))-4*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(f(x, t), t), x))-14*f(x, t)*(diff(f(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x), x))-10*f(x, t)*(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x))*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))+4*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2*(diff(f(x, t), t))+24*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x), x), x))*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2+40*(diff(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x), x))^2*(diff(f(x, t), x)))/f(x, t)^5+2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2 = 2*(diff(diff(f(x, t), x), x))*f(x, t)-2*(diff(f(x, t), x))^2


Download BD_berekening_22-12-2024_laatste_poging.mw

@salim-barzani  indeed its "mission impossible" as it seems 

A_Maple_Package_on_Symbolic_Computation_of_Hirota_Bilinear_Form_for_Nonlinear_Equations  [link to copyrighted material edited by moderator. See Mapleprimes' Terms of Use, section Conduct, items h and i]


First look at the parametervalues for the function T3?
The function T3 seems to be definied for all parametervalues 




# Define the function T3
T3 := (B[1]*(tanh(2*n^2*(delta^2 - w)*k*t/((k*n - 1)*(k*n + 1)) + x) - 1))^(1/(2*n))
    * exp((-k*x + w*t + delta*W(t) - delta^2*t)*I):

# Default parameters
params := {B[1] = 1, n = 2, delta = 1, w = 1, k = 3}:

# Substitute numerical values into T3
solnum := subs(params, T3):

# Define a Wiener process and extract its path data
Wiener := WienerProcess():
N := 100:  # Number of time steps
P := PathPlot(Wiener(t), t = 0 .. 10, timesteps = N, replications = 1):
W_points := plottools:-getdata(P)[1, -1]:
t_grid := convert(W_points[.., 1], list):
W_values := W_points[.., 2]:

# Define grids for x and t
x_grid := [seq(-2 .. 2, 4 / N)]:
t_values := evalf(t_grid):

# Separate T3 into time- and space-dependent parts
T, X := map(mul, [selectremove(has, [op(expand(solnum))], t)])[]:
ST := unapply(eval(T, W(t) = w), w)~(W_values):
SX := evalf(unapply(X, x)~(x_grid)):

# Combine into a matrix
STX := Matrix(N $ 2, (it, ix) -> ST[it] * SX[ix]):

# Parameter control logic
valid_input := proc(B1, n, delta, w, k)
    if B1 > 0 and n > 0 and delta > 0 and w > 0 and k > 0 then
        return true:
        return false:
    end if:
end proc:

# Explore interactive plot
    if valid_input(B1, n, delta, w, k) then
        matrixplot(Re~(STX), style = surface, axes = boxed,
            labels = ["x", "t", "Re(T3)"],
            size = [800, 600],  # Increase plot size,
            title = cat("Interactive Plot of Re(T3) for Parameters: ",
                        "B[1] = ", B1, ", n = ", n,
                        ", delta = ", delta, ", w = ", w, ", k = ", k))
        TextPlot("Invalid Parameters: Ensure all parameters are > 0.")
    end if,
    parameters = [
        [B1 = 0.1 .. 2],
        [n = 1 .. 5],
        [delta = 0.1 .. 2],
        [w = 0.5 .. 2],
        [k = 1 .. 5]
    initialvalues = [B1 = 1, n = 2, delta = 1, w = 1, k = 3]

"maple.ini in users"



Download Exploreplot_van_T3_functie_en_Wiener_data_18-12-2024.mw

For the moment, a start ?

parameter Delta is changing and other parameter  stay constant:?

params := {B[1]=1,n=2,delta=1,w=1,k=3 };

A Explore plot is not possible as it seems ..?

At this first start question , there is a branch button ?
Transform data in maple to Matlab or make analysis by Excel worksheet for making Plot? - MaplePrimes
Or adding this question to the existing  row from  the start question ?

What else can be more done ?

This question may well become a candidate for deletion, given that another question has also been asked before that also has the same code fragments if I am not mistaken. 
May or may not go for deletion, you don't know with the moderator just doing whatever.
Note : probably it is not going to be deleted if the moderator addresses the question ?

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