
4 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 359 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jennifer22cute

Hi, My name is Jennifer.Iam new to Matlab programming.Iam working on reducing the noise content in audio communication. Iam using Hamning codes for the same.I have a sample code with me,which iam unable to upload because it says that maximum file size exceeded.Iam unable to understand how it works.Can someone please explain me how the code is written,what it means and what the different plots mean and how to read them? I have trouble especially with the plots trying to understand them. Being a beginner,Iam having a lot of trouble trying to understand.Iam trying to read Matlab tutorials at the same time but I have to finish up this work soon before the deadline.So can anyone be kind enough to help me through this please? My email id is jennifer22cute-single at
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