
20 Reputation

4 Badges

14 years, 237 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jimmy1987

Hi guys,

I am wriiting some work in Latex and need to input some Maple code into my Appendix. Does anyone know how to do this? Also, if i have separate sections of code to input in different places, can I create subsections of the Appendix to cater for this?

Thanks in advance


Dear All,

I have the following data file

1.1    0.751    0
1.5    0.764    0.419
2       0.777    0.665
2.5    0.796    0.791
2.71   0.81     0.81

and I want to plot the 2nd column vs the 1st and the 3rd vs the 1st on 1 axis, with the 1st column on the x axis.




On one axis (y vs x), I want to plot y=exp(1)~2.718 and x=4/(3*sqrt(exp(1)))~0.8087 so that they intersect to form a rectangle. Does anyone know how to proceed with this?

Any help is greatly appreciated.



Hi guys,

I am dealing with a function, kappa:=6*log(R)/(R^2). To plot this, I use the command plot([kappa,R,R=0.99..6]).

However, I want the first branch of the graph to be coloured in fully, and the second branch to be dashed. Is this possible? I think I need to split the graph in 2 using the command line.


Thanks in advance



I've been given the relationship:


R*sqrt(sigma)-1-(1)/(4)*(l-(2*kappa*R^2)/(R*sqrt(sigma)))/(1+coth(R*sqrt(sigma)))-kappa*R^2/6+m/(2*R), for the particular case where m=l=0, and where

R=exp[(kappa*(R^2))/6]. On a sketch of R vs kappa, apparently sigma >0 on the lower branch, but there should be some sigma < 0 on the upper branch.

To attempt to solve this whole problem, I use the following commands:



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