
32 Reputation

2 Badges

16 years, 173 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by jmd9qs



Again, you've pulled through for me! Thank you so much for all your help, I really appreciate it.



Another question... remember the "tick marks" I was talking about? I know that a circle is 360 deg., which is approx. 6.28 radians. I want there to be 9 "ticks" in-between the numbers (exept for 6-2Pi), which (i think) is the equivalent of one every 10 deg., or in this case approx 0.175 radians.

now, can i include another plot into this merged one that will go from 0-2Pi in increments of 0.175? i've googled the sh** out of this one, and haven't found anything of use.







Thank you so much! This is absolutely what I was talking about, sorry if I didn't explain it that well... now, one more question: can I hide the code required to display the plot? It takes up a lot of room on the worksheet and I was planning on turning this in on Monday.


Thanks again for your help!





Firstly, thanks for the reply! Second, I already have all the answers.... I'm not using this to answer the question, I just want my plot to look like the one in the book. For example, one of the questions related to the figure:

"find the approx. value of the given function using the figure(a) AND a calculator(b)"; the first trig function is: sin(1.2). I know from using my calculator that sin(1.2) = .932, so the answer for (b) is 0.932. for (a) i need to show where sin(1.2) is in relation to the figure shown, specifically in reference to the numbers 1-6.

to explain that further, as you probably know the unit circle (in my case, at least) has a diameter of 2*Pi, or approx. 6.28. in this case, the length of (t) is represented by 1-6, instead of Pi/2, Pi/ 3Pi/2, etc.. so, what i want to do is SHOW on the plot where 1-6 are, and where the functions defined in the problems are in relation to them.


i hope i didn't mangle that too much...


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