
64 Reputation

2 Badges

15 years, 31 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by johannu


The Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-1 is based on the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication:

Is there a procedure, function, maple worksheet, etc. availabe to calculate the SHA-1 with maple?

Thank you!



I have converted a decimal number to hexadecimal, the result in hex is: 18DBD3547552C73BE4DE87731C500.

I think the from Maple converted (decimal to hexadecimal) number ist Big-Endian.

Is there a command in Maple to make this number 16 Byte long (00018DBD3547552C73BE4DE87731C500) and to convert this hex-number to Little-Endian (00C53177E84DBE732C554735BD8D0100)?

Thank's for help.



I have the follwing problem. I have the matrix

B C F G 7    8    9  
0  1 2 3 21 22  23

And each input of the 1st line should result in the 2nd line. E.g. Input B, should result Output  0 or Input 8 should result 22. I mean the analog function in Excel: vlookup

Is that possible?

Thank you!


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