
104 Reputation

4 Badges

19 years, 174 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by kaischueler

This solution works. Thank you very much for the idea. The problem is that I want to omit the output of many commands in an execution group but if I enclose a couple of commands with "if () then else end if;" the output of the commands ending with ":" is still being shown. For exampel: i:=1; if (i=1) then plot_structure1:=plot(...): plot_structure2:=plot(...): display({plot_structure1:=plot(...),plot_structure1:=plot(...):}); else ... end if; This produces in Maple 10 Classic an output where despite the ":" at the end of the command line the two plot structures are shown in detail. How can I suppress that?
This solution works. Thank you very much for the idea. The problem is that I want to omit the output of many commands in an execution group but if I enclose a couple of commands with "if () then else end if;" the output of the commands ending with ":" is still being shown. For exampel: i:=1; if (i=1) then plot_structure1:=plot(...): plot_structure2:=plot(...): display({plot_structure1:=plot(...),plot_structure1:=plot(...):}); else ... end if; This produces in Maple 10 Classic an output where despite the ":" at the end of the command line the two plot structures are shown in detail. How can I suppress that?
Thank you very much for your help. Your answers cleared up my questions. Unfortunately the quality of the plot is not sufficient (http://www-users.rwth-aachen.de/Kai.Schueler/testplot.jpg). I thought I could save some calculating time in using your solution instead of recalculating every z-value for the output curve but it is much better (http://www-users.rwth-aachen.de/Kai.Schueler/testplot2_better.jpg). At least I know this now.
Thank you very much for your help. Your answers cleared up my questions. Unfortunately the quality of the plot is not sufficient (http://www-users.rwth-aachen.de/Kai.Schueler/testplot.jpg). I thought I could save some calculating time in using your solution instead of recalculating every z-value for the output curve but it is much better (http://www-users.rwth-aachen.de/Kai.Schueler/testplot2_better.jpg). At least I know this now.
Well, I don't understand completely this command: c:=map(x->[op(x),op([1,3],b)[round(x[1]*12)+1,round(x[2]*24)+1]],op([1,1],a)): and what does plots[display](b,PLOT3D(CURVES(c),COLOUR(RGB,1.,0.,0.))); excactly do. What does the command CURVES do? Why do you have to use round? Well maybe I figure this out when I am back at a computer with Maple on it. Thank you very much for the example.
Well, I don't understand completely this command: c:=map(x->[op(x),op([1,3],b)[round(x[1]*12)+1,round(x[2]*24)+1]],op([1,1],a)): and what does plots[display](b,PLOT3D(CURVES(c),COLOUR(RGB,1.,0.,0.))); excactly do. What does the command CURVES do? Why do you have to use round? Well maybe I figure this out when I am back at a computer with Maple on it. Thank you very much for the example.
Delayed evaluation, seems to be quite a simple trick. I haven't yet tried it but I will.
Delayed evaluation, seems to be quite a simple trick. I haven't yet tried it but I will.
I have tried your second solution suggestion and it works very well. Thank you very much for this.
I have tried your second solution suggestion and it works very well. Thank you very much for this.
Thank you very much for your response. For testing purposes I like to use ";" instead of ":". The file at which I am working at the moment has grown quite complex and it makes it at some places easier to debug it, when I use ;. That question that I posted here was a little bit simplified regarding the two zeros of the parametric funciton ([0,0,iL_RMS_func_Ue_const]). The iL_RMS_func_Ue_const shall use Ia_IaLGmax as the first input and the result of Output_Curve_Ua_Ue_Ue_const, which is an expression, as the second input. I have posted a statement a couple of minutes before yours, where I thought that I am not allowed to mix expressions and functions in a plot command (as far as I understand your statement I am allowed), there I also stated a solution that's basicly the same as your first solution. The evaluation problem that you mentioned explains why I haven't had any problems plotting a different procedure where I haven't had inequalities. Regarding your statement I still have a question to maples evaluations rules. Is it right then when I plot a function like this plot3d([0,0,somefunc(Ia,Ua)],Ia=0..1,Ua=0..1) that maple calls somefunc with Ia and Ua and uses full evaluation with the return of the function and when I plot the function like this plot3d([0,0,somefunc],0..1,0..1) maple calls the function with a value? I have a couple of function that have to be plotted like this plot3d([fx(Ia,Ua),fy(Ia,Ua),fz(fx(Ia,Ua),fy(Ia,Ua))],Ia=0..1,Ua=0..1). Is there any way to force maple to call the functions with the values of Ia and Ua besides the one that you have mentioned already (ok, in your solution maple return an unevaluated expression)?
Thank you very much for your response. For testing purposes I like to use ";" instead of ":". The file at which I am working at the moment has grown quite complex and it makes it at some places easier to debug it, when I use ;. That question that I posted here was a little bit simplified regarding the two zeros of the parametric funciton ([0,0,iL_RMS_func_Ue_const]). The iL_RMS_func_Ue_const shall use Ia_IaLGmax as the first input and the result of Output_Curve_Ua_Ue_Ue_const, which is an expression, as the second input. I have posted a statement a couple of minutes before yours, where I thought that I am not allowed to mix expressions and functions in a plot command (as far as I understand your statement I am allowed), there I also stated a solution that's basicly the same as your first solution. The evaluation problem that you mentioned explains why I haven't had any problems plotting a different procedure where I haven't had inequalities. Regarding your statement I still have a question to maples evaluations rules. Is it right then when I plot a function like this plot3d([0,0,somefunc(Ia,Ua)],Ia=0..1,Ua=0..1) that maple calls somefunc with Ia and Ua and uses full evaluation with the return of the function and when I plot the function like this plot3d([0,0,somefunc],0..1,0..1) maple calls the function with a value? I have a couple of function that have to be plotted like this plot3d([fx(Ia,Ua),fy(Ia,Ua),fz(fx(Ia,Ua),fy(Ia,Ua))],Ia=0..1,Ua=0..1). Is there any way to force maple to call the functions with the values of Ia and Ua besides the one that you have mentioned already (ok, in your solution maple return an unevaluated expression)?
When I use evalf(Int(... instead of int(... it takes over 6 Minutes to excecute all commands in my worksheet, before this change it took my computer a little bit more than one minute.
When I use evalf(Int(... instead of int(... it takes over 6 Minutes to excecute all commands in my worksheet, before this change it took my computer a little bit more than one minute.
Thank you very much for your answers. Why is there no need of a ";" at the end of evalf(sqrt(1/T*Int(iL^2, t = 0 .. T))), evalf(1/T*Int(iL, t = 0 .. T)) ? Could I write also [evalf(sqrt(1/T*Int(iL^2, t = 0 .. T))), evalf(1/T*Int(iL, t = 0 .. T))]; ?
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