
32 Reputation

2 Badges

14 years, 298 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by katepodolskaya

Dear all,

I have encoutered a funny problem with Optimization package. I minimize some long stuff (lets call it A) and get an answer, e.g.

[.116553990209052046e-19, [n = 4.24568325257496060, rhocut = 1.66125593854788400, m = 2.00000021862965971, rho = .956914761577446150]]

then i just do

evalf(subs(n = 4.24568325257496060, rhocut = 1.66125593854788400, m = 2.00000021862965971, rho = .956914761577446150, A));

and i get

Dear all,

I have functions f(x,y) and g(x,y).

How can I plot the dependencies of f on g for different x and y?

If I had only f(x) and g(x), than I could use plot[parameric] like it's shown in Help page

plot([sin(t), cos(t), t=0..Pi]);

I would prefer 2D plot, if possible.

how to solve/plot a set of nonlinear inequalities for 2 variables in Maple 10?

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