
25 Reputation

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12 years, 20 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by kierstejn


Hey guys..

I need some help on determining the correlation coefficient between my data points for an Influenza epidemic and the SIR model, with my estimated parameters Beta and Alpha. The initial conditions for the equations are defined at the beginning of my worksheet:

Hope someone can help me ;)




Hey guys

I am currently working on my final project in high school. This project is about mathematical modelling within epidemology, and i am currently working on the mathematical models based on the SIR model.

The basis models for the SIR model were pretty easy, but i cant figure out how to fit data to my models. My first idea was to use the method of Leastsquare and/or Nonlinearfit, but i cant figure out how to do this in maple.

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