
52 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 268 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by koenf1

Hi guys,

I modelled a surface, of which I'd like to have a mathematical representation. The following image is what I need to have.


I've written the parameters of both curves that are drawn on it.

I'm supposed to be able to find it, but I think I just didn't do enough pure mathematics in the past year ...

Hope you can help me?



I'm using the solve commando to solve the next equation :


solutions:=solve({2*x+3*lambda*x^2, 2*y+3*lambda*y^2, 2*z+3*lambda*z^2,g},[x,y,z,lambda]);

It's giving me a lot of solutions, but only a few are Real, most are complex and are not of use for the subject. I'd like to filter so it only gives the Real solutions. Already tried the package with(RealDomain)...but then it doesn't return any solutions.Also tried some assumptions yet, but didn't change anything.

Any hints whether this is possible or not?


Hi I want to create different functions using a loop. > for n from 1 to 3 do f:=x^n end do: > plot(f,x); Now i see 3 different graphs, but I'd really like to have them all 3 in one. Is this possible? Koen
Hi I need to animate the Screw of Archimedes using maple, I tried animate3d and insequence=true and both don't work. This is the screw. plot3d([a*cos(x),a*sin(x),3*x],a=-15..15,x=1..8*Pi,axes=framed,scaling=constrained,color=gold,numpoints=4000,style=patch); This is the center cilinder. with(plots):plot2:=implicitplot3d([x^2+y^2=40,z],x=-15..15,y=-15..15,z=1..24*Pi,axes=framed,color=yellow,numpoints=5000); I should also make a function that "lays" on the screw, and a point should be visible going upwards, this should make the water that gets pumped up by the rotating move.
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