
35 Reputation

2 Badges

8 years, 129 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by ktan025

yVal := 0.01

xVal := 0.01

p8 := plot([fdiff(('rhs')((pds:-value(f(x, y)))(x, yVal)[3]), [y, y], x = z)], z = 0 .. 20, color = [red])

I cant seem to plot the graph for yVal, but if I were to switch it around to (xVal,y), the graph works perfectly. How should I input the code such that I can obtain the f''(x,0) graph. 

Any help will be greatly appreciated :) thanks


I can't seem to plot the second derivative graph for f'' versus y. Is it possible to use the fdiff command twice in a line?

Open to all opinions. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


For the PDE, I can't seem to plot T' as the y-axis, it gives me the error, "Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct". Anyone knows what seem to be the problem? I am open to all ideas and would appreciate any help:)


For my fdiff graph, it seems that the cirtical points appear to be jaggered or not smooth. Anyone nows what seem to be the problem? i tried increasing the numpoints but it did not work:( I am open to all opinions. Thanks:)



For the ODE system with boundary conditions, I was able to obtain solutions for n=0, but not for n>0. I obtained the error, Initial newton iteration is not converging. Anyone knows the solution for this? I am open to all suggestions and any help would be greatly appreciated:)



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