
28 Reputation

4 Badges

15 years, 162 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by lesshaste

In maple 17, 


solve({b-a*sqrt(1+a^2+b^2)=a^2*(a*b-sqrt(1+a^2+b^2)), a-b*sqrt(1+a^2+b^2)=b^2*(a*b-sqrt(1+a^2+b^2))});



a=a , b = -a/(1+a)


If you set a =1  and b = -1/2 you will see this is not a correct solution.



In maple 16 I do the following.

rsolve({a(1) = 1+2/n, a(p) = 1+(p-1)*a(p-1)/n+2*b(p-1)/n, b(0) = 1, b(p) = 1+p*b(p-1)/n}, {a(p), b(p)});

subs(p = n-1, %);

I then copy the answer for a(n-1) and evaluate it at n=20, say.

evalf(subs(n = 20, (1/n)^(n-1)*n*GAMMA(n-1)*(Sum((n+2*(1/n)^p1*exp(n)*GAMMA(p1+1, n))/(n^2*(1/n)^(p1+1)*GAMMA(p1+1)), p1 = 1 .. n-2)+1+2/n)));

which gives



But if I plot a(n-1) with

How can I solve a pair of recurrence relations like this in maple 16?



Is it possible to see the algorithm used by msolve(eqs,2) ? The help page just says

"The procedure msolve has special code for efficiently handling large systems of equations mod 2. "

but I would like to know exactly what it is doing.

I tried print(msolve); and then print(ModularSolver:-Solve); but didn't get anywhere.


How do I define a large multivariate polynomial

For all i, j, k, l, m, n from 1 to 2

         sum t = 0 to 7: x_{i,j, t} * y_{k,l, t} * z_{m,n, t}

in maple?


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