
12 Reputation

2 Badges

14 years, 314 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by lidaahi

I have two vector here

X:= vector([-1,0,1])

Y:=vector([1+I*2,3+I,4+3*I], datatype=complex)

I want to fit them in the form a*exp(-I*10*t)+b*exp(I*10*t), a and b may be complex.

How should I do?

I have two vector here, and I want to fit them with the form a*exp(-I*4375*t)+b*exp(I*4375*t), a and b should be complex. How should I do?

X := Vector([-0.000163, 0, 0.000163], datatype = complex);

Y := Vector([-8.84352*10^(-13)+(I*1.71511)*10^(-12), 1.49867*10^(-13)+(I*1.45355)*10^(-12), 1.15763*10^(-12)+(I*9.08261)*10^(-13)], datatype = complex[8]);


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