
5 Reputation

2 Badges

14 years, 290 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by lidazhi

1. I have a Matrix V as following, and I found that Determinant(V,method=float) can not work. I use Maple12. Please help me , thanks.

2. also, in some calculations, I found Determinant(V,method=float) and Determinant(V,method=minor) gave different result. Anyone can tell me why?And which method is right?

V=[[0.2412702414,0.4868267037+4.770943828 10^(-17) I,-0.3582351644-3.597026404 10^(-14) I,0.8897131421,0.3035225208,0.2809455226],[0.5973344699,-1.205280722,1.019534434+1.083003890 10^(-16...

fc := exp(btp*s*cos(2*Pi*x/a))*exp(-(I*2)*Pi*n*x/a)

int(fc, x = 0 .. a)  assuming a > 0, s> 0, btp > 0, n::integer;


Thanks in advance.

I used "implicitplot"  and get the plot. But I want know the data of the plot. How to get the data?

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