loup blanc

50 Reputation

4 Badges

18 years, 150 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by loup blanc

Hi guies, my Maple is out of order because my "kernel connection is not available" and Maple is closed by "mserver.exe"; my firewalls are stopped when I open Maple. Before this problem Maple did'nt find the dll:"libgmp-3.dll".However I reinstalled Maple. What can I do? Thanks
I want to solve an algebraic system in a non commutative ring: for example {x1+x2+x3=a,x1^2+x2^2+x3^2=b,x1^3+x2^3+x3^3=c}. Can I find a Grobner basis with Maple 10 or with another software (under windows)?????? Thanks.
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