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PH.D in Applied Mathematics

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mahmood1800

Hi all.

Assume that a Matrix P is (m+1)*(m+1) known matrix and we want to construct following special matrix



how can we do it by maple?

Note that the required matrix is of order k(m+1)*K(m+1)


thanks for any guide


Mahmood   Dadkhah

Ph.D Candidate

Applied Mathematics Department

Hi all.

Assume that we have:

Where Q is known matrix. how can we produce this vector by maple?

Thanks a lot
Mahmood   Dadkhah

Ph.D Candidate

Applied Mathematics Department

Hi all.

Assume that we have:


and assume we  want to construct a special Vector as

and from the above vector construct following matrix

how can we do it?

Best wishes

Mahmood   Dadkhah

Ph.D Candidate

Applied Mathematics Department

Hi all

I have a mathematical problem and I asked it in various sites but the answers till yet are not correct.

Assume that we have:

b[n,m]:=unapply(piecewise(t>=(n-1)*tj/N and t<n*tj/N, T[m](N*t-(n-1)*tj), 0), t):

where n,N,tj are known constants. furthermore assume that we want to comute the following integral:

for following approximations:

I have written the following code but it seems to be incorrect:


the original program is :


I will be so grateful if any one can help me to solve it by maple

Mahmood   Dadkhah

Ph.D Candidate

Applied Mathematics Department

hi all.

I have wrore the following program for optimization with bernstein and block pulse hybrid functions.

the program have some errors which i can't understand.



macro(LA= LinearAlgebra):

HybrFunc:=proc(N, M,  tj)               # N=Number of subintervals,  M=Number of functions in subintervals
local B, n, m;

global b;

for n from 1 to N do
for m from 0 to M-1 do

B := (i,m,t) -> C(m,i)*(1-t)^(m-i)*t^i:

b[n,m]:=unapply(piecewise(t>=(n-1)*tj/N and t<n*tj/N, B(m,2,N*t-(n-1)*tj), 0), t):

Array(1..N, 0..M-1, (n,m)->b[n,m](t)):

end proc:

HybrFunc(3, 3, 1);

                                       # End Of Definition
g2(t):=t;            #*exp(t-1):                      # Any other function can be replaced here

g1(t):=add(add(c[n,m]*b[n,m](t), m=0..2), n=1..3);
Optimization[Minimize](sqrt(int((g2(t)-g1(t))^2, t=0.. 1)));
plot([g2(t),g1(t)], t=0..1, 0..5, color=[blue,red],thickness=[1,3],discont, scaling=constrained);

Array(1 .. 3, 0 .. 2, {(1, 0) = piecewise(0 <= t and t < 1/3, (1-3*t)^2, 0), (1, 1) = piecewise(0 <= t and t < 1/3, (6*(1-3*t))*t, 0), (1, 2) = piecewise(0 <= t and t < 1/3, 9*t^2, 0), (2, 0) = piecewise(1/3 <= t and t < 2/3, (2-3*t)^2, 0), (2, 1) = piecewise(1/3 <= t and t < 2/3, (2*(2-3*t))*(3*t-1), 0), (2, 2) = piecewise(1/3 <= t and t < 2/3, (3*t-1)^2, 0), (3, 0) = piecewise(2/3 <= t and t < 1, (3-3*t)^2, 0), (3, 1) = piecewise(2/3 <= t and t < 1, (2*(3-3*t))*(3*t-2), 0), (3, 2) = piecewise(2/3 <= t and t < 1, (3*t-2)^2, 0)}, datatype = anything, storage = rectangular, order = Fortran_order)

g2(t) := t

"g1(t):=c[1,0] ({[[(1-3 t)^2,0<=t and t<1/3],[0,otherwise]])+c[1,1] ({[[6 (1-3 t) t,0<=t and t<1/3],[0,otherwise]])+c[1,2] ({[[9 t^2,0<=t and t<1/3],[0,otherwise]])+c[2,0] ({[[(2-3 t)^2,1/3<=t and t<2/3],[0,otherwise]])+c[2,1] ({[[2 (2-3 t) (3 t-1),1/3<=t and t<2/3],[0,otherwise]])+c[2,2] ({[[(3 t-1)^2,1/3<=t and t<2/3],[0,otherwise]])+c[3,0] ({[[(3-3 t)^2,2/3<=t and t<1],[0,otherwise]])+c[3,1] ({[[2 (3-3 t) (3 t-2),2/3<=t and t<1],[0,otherwise]])+c[3,2] ({[[(3 t-2)^2,2/3<=t and t<1],[0,otherwise]])"

Error, (in Optimization:-NLPSolve) complex value encountered

Error, invalid left hand side in assignment


Download Bernestien1.mws

 I'll be so grateful if any one can help me.

Mahmood   Dadkhah

Ph.D Candidate

Applied Mathematics Department

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