
360 Reputation

3 Badges

15 years, 258 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by manjees

Hi all,

I need a contour plot of c with a and b values as x and y axis.

a := `<,>`(Vector(12, {(1) = .19375, (2) = .19494, (3) = .19581, (4) = .19632, (5) = .19646, (6) = .19624, (7) = .19565, (8) = .19472, (9) = .19349, (10) = .19198, (11) = .19024, (12) = .18833}))

b := `<,>`(Vector(12, {(1) = -0.1517e-1, (2) = -0.1515e-1, (3) = -0.1512e-1, (4) = -0.1509e-1, (5) = -0.1506e-1, (6) = -0.1503e-1, (7) = -0.15e-1, (8...

Thanks for all the above input.


Now I have imported my text file using TOOLS->ASSISTANTS->IMPORT DATA .

Text file has 3 columns: x, y and z.


How can I get a contour plot 3d from this matrix i.e. plot z using x and y values as axes.


Thanks again.

Hi all,


I was wondering if their is a way to import c++ output to maple 12 as I need to plot my output.

If yes, I will appreciate if someone can guide me through the steps.



I have 3 different arrays. is there any way that I can put these 3 arrays in one table with a proper heading above each column?



I am not able to use colors flexibly in contourplot3d. So, I am trying another way to get my plot. But I am not exactly getting my result. This is what I am trying to do. I need help with these three steps. 1) For Latitude from -10 degrees to 10 degrees and longitude from -30 degrees to 30 degrees, I need to calculate aa:=1.4*cos(latitude)-2*sin(longitude). 2)The above value of 'aa' gives color. (eg. if aa<><><>3 color= red etc) 3) Then plot this point with color from step 2 at (x,y) given by
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